Alright, I need help with making a function. I have tried to comprehend what the tutorial is talking about, but, unfortunately, the tutorial does a function different than what I want to do with my function.

I would paste most of my code here, but it has that 'newbie' look to it (jumpled code, because of a lack of functions). I will give a "snip-it" of the most basic thing I want to make a function of.

cout<<"It's a goblin, hurry attack."<<endl;
			while (gob > 0){	//Battle Loop
				attack = rand() % (HIGH - LOW + 1) + LOW;
				cout<<"The Goblin has "<<gob - attack<<" life left!"<<endl;
				gob = gob - attack;
				gobattack = rand() % (gobhi - goblo +1) + goblo;
				if(gob > 0){
				cout<<"You have "<<player - gobattack<<" life left!"<<endl;
				player = player - gobattack;
			if(gob <= 0){
				cout<<"Congratulations, you killed the goblin."<<endl;
This is basically what I want to be a function. I have this loop being called right after the selection of a weapon (since there are 3 different choices, and I can't make functions, I have 3 humongous if statements all stating the same thing, only slightly different.).

The code before the loop:
if(strcmp (answer, "2") == 0){    //First Drop --- To Buy
		cout<<"Well, choose your weapon."<<endl;
		cout<<"1--Sword - Damage is 4-10---"<<endl;
		cout<<"2--Bow & Arrow - Damage 6-9---"<<endl;
		cout<<"3--Axe - Damage 1-12---"<<endl;
		cin.getline (buyanswer, 50);
		if(strcmp (buyanswer, "1") == 0){   //Second Drop --- To Swd
			const int LOW = 4;
			const int HIGH = 10;
			srand((unsigned int) seconds);
			cout<<"You got a Sword!"<<endl;
			cout<<"Lets fight our first monster now. Get your sword ready!"<<endl;
I hope I didn't give too much information, I just wanted to give as much information as I though prudent to help with my function problem.

Thanks in advance to anyone who helps me with my problem. (If anyone needs to see the ENTIRE code, I can give it in a private message, but a word of caution: it's a mess.)