I added the code suggested in the previous post to my exiting code...see below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

  char  Menu_Opt[4];   		/* Menu Option                 */
   char *ctime( const time_t *time );
   float Org_Curr_Amt = 0.00;	/* Original Currency Amount    */
   float New_Curr_Amt = 0.00;	/* New Currency Amount         */
   char  Currency_Desc[24][100] = {"American Dollar (USD)", "Australian Dollar (AUD)",
	  "Brazilian Real (BRL)", "British Pound (GBP)", "Canadian Dollar (CAD)",
	  "Chinese Yuan (CNY)", "Danish Krone (DKK)", "Euro (EUR)", "Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)", 
	  "Indian Rupee (INR)", "Japanese Yen (JPY)", "Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)", "Mexican Peso (MXN)",
	  "New Zealand Dollar (NZD)", "Norwegian Kroner (NOK)", "Singapore Dollar (SGD)", 
	  "South African Rand (ZAR)", "South Korean Won (KRW)", "Sri Lanka Rupee (LKR)", 
	  "Swedish Krona (SEK)", "Swiss Franc (CHF)", "Taiwan Dollar (TVD)", "Thai Baht (THB)",
	  "Venezuelan Bolivar (YEB)"};
		/* Descriptions of each of the currency types that can be converted */
   float Curr_Conv_Factor;      /* Individual currency conversion factor read from
                                   file to be used to fill the array */
   float Currency_Conv[24][24]; /* Array containing currency conversion factors */
   int   Row;                   /* Row position in currency conversion array */
   int   Column;                /* Column position in currency conversion array */

   struct tm *newtime
   time_t aclock;         /* Line 32 */

   /* Definitions of each of the additional subroutines, (functions as they're called
    in C, C++, and C#) for showing each of the currency conversion menu options, do
    any selected conversion, or transfer to a different function.   */
   void  USD_Menu();

   int   CLR_Screen(); /* Function to clear the screen and reposition the cursor
                          so that the menus do not scroll off the screen.  */

   std::fstream infile;         /* Define/create object type to be used for accessing
                                   the contents of the file. */

  std::fstream infile; /* Define/create object type to be used for accessing
                          the contents of the file. */
  infile.open( "currency exchange rates.csv", std::ios::in );
  std::string field;

  while( infile.good() )
    /* Check if the file is still good in your inner loops too  */
   for (Row = 0; Row < 24 && infile.good(); Row++)
     for (Column = 0; Column < 24 && infile.good(); Column++)
       if (Column == (24 - 1))
       std::getline(infile, field);/* Last field on a line isn't comma-delimited */
       std::getline(infile, field, ','); /* But the rest are */

   Curr_Conv_Factor = std::atof(field.c_str()); /* Convert string to floating point numeric */
   Currency_Conv[Row][Column] = Curr_Conv_Factor; /* Load each record read into the
                                                       appropriate array element */
  system("mode con:lines=40");
  system("mode con:cols=100");

  time( &aclock );   // Get time in seconds    /*  Line 76  */
	newtime = localtime( &aclock );   // Convert time to struct tm form 

	/* Print local time as a string */
	printf( "Current date and time: %s", asctime( newtime ) );

	/* Print Individual elements of time as a decimal */
	/* Print Month as a decimal */
	printf( "Month : %d  \n", (1+(*newtime).tm_mon));
	/* Print Day as a decimal */
	printf( "Day : %d \n", (*newtime).tm_mday);
	/* Print Year as a decimal */
	printf( "Year : %d \n", (1900+(*newtime).tm_year));

  return 0;

int  CLR_Screen()
    system ("cls");

void USD_Menu()
   /* printf("Currency Conversion\n",        month date year); */
	printf("%sConversion Menu\n\n", Currency_Desc[0]);
	printf("A02.  USD to AUD        Y02.  Transfer to AUD Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A03.  USD to BRL        Y03.  Transfer to BRL Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A04.  USD to GBP        Y04.  Transfer to GBP Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A05.  USD to CAD        Y05.  Transfer to CAD Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A06.  USD to CNY        Y06.  Transfer to CNY Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A07.  USD to DKK        Y07.  Transfer to DKK Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A08.  USD to EUR        Y08.  Transfer to EUR Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A09.  USD to HKD        Y09.  Transfer to HKD Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A10.  USD to INR        Y10.  Transfer to INR Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A11.  USD to JPY        Y11.  Transfer to JPY Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A12.  USD to MYR        Y12.  Transfer to MYR Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A13.  USD to MXN        Y13.  Transfer to MXN Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A14.  USD to NZD        Y14.  Transfer to NZD Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A15.  USD to NOK        Y15.  Transfer to NOK Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A16.  USD to SGD        Y16.  Transfer to SGD Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A17.  USD to ZAR        Y17.  Transfer to ZAR Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A18.  USD to KRW        Y18.  Transfer to KRW Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A19.  USD to LKR        Y19.  Transfer to LKR Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A20.  USD to SEK        Y20.  Transfer to SEK Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A21.  USD to CHF        Y21.  Transfer to CHF Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A22.  USD to TVD        Y22.  Transfer to TVD Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A23.  USD to THB        Y23.  Transfer to THB Conversion Menu\n");
	printf("A24.  USD to YEB        Y24.  Transfer to YEB Conversion Menu\n\n");
	printf("Q.  Exit Program\n");
    printf("Option: ");
	scanf("%s", Menu_Opt);

    int Opt_Num;

    Menu_Opt[0] = toupper(Menu_Opt[0]);
    Opt_Num = atoi(Menu_Opt + 1);

    if( Menu_Opt[0] == 'Q')
    if( Menu_Opt[0] != 'A' && Menu_Opt[0] != 'Y')
        printf("\nInvalid menu option, program is now exiting");
    if( Opt_Num <= 1 || Opt_Num > 24)
        printf("\nInvalid menu option, program is now exiting");

    if( strcmp(Menu_Opt,"A02") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
		New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[0][1];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[1], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt,"A03") == 0)
	 	printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
	 	scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[2][0];
	 	printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[2], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A04") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[3][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[3], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A05") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[4][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[4], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A06") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[5][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[5], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A07") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[6][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[6], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A08") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[7][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[7], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A09") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[8][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[8], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A10") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[9][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[9], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A11") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[10][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[10], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A12") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[11][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[11], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A13") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[12][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[12], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A14") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[13][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[13], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A15") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[14][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[14], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A16") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[15][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[15], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A17") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[16][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[16], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A18") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[17][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[17], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A19") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[18][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[18], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A20") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[19][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[19], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A21") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[20][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[20], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A22") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[21][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[21], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A23") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[22][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[22], New_Curr_Amt);
	if( strcmp(Menu_Opt, "A24") == 0)
		printf("\nPlease enter your value of %s ", Currency_Desc[0]);
		scanf("%g", &Org_Curr_Amt);
	 	New_Curr_Amt = Org_Curr_Amt * Currency_Conv[23][0];
		printf("\nYour Equivalent %s is %f\n", Currency_Desc[23], New_Curr_Amt);
I am now getting the following errors:

c:\dev-c_~1\examples\menusa~1.cpp:32: syntax error before `aclock'
c:\dev-c_~1\examples\menusa~1.cpp: In function `int main()':
c:\dev-c_~1\examples\menusa~1.cpp:76: `aclock' undeclared (first use this function)
c:\dev-c_~1\examples\menusa~1.cpp:76: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
c:\dev-c_~1\examples\menusa~1.cpp:76: for each function it appears in.)
c:\dev-c_~1\examples\menusa~1.cpp:77: `newtime' undeclared (first use this function)