I will give you an example of how to use "asctime" I got it from here

#include <ctime>
#include <cstdio>

struct tm *newtime;
time_t aclock;

int main()
	time( &aclock );   // Get time in seconds
	newtime = localtime( &aclock );   // Convert time to struct tm form 

	/* Print local time as a string */
	printf( "Current date and time: %s", asctime( newtime ) );

	/* Print Individual elements of time as a decimal */
	/* Print Month as a decimal */
	printf( "Month : %d  \n", (1+(*newtime).tm_mon));
	/* Print Day as a decimal */
	printf( "Day : %d \n", (*newtime).tm_mday);
	/* Print Year as a decimal */
	printf( "Year : %d \n", (1900+(*newtime).tm_year));
	return 0;