Thread: Almost finished with Round Robin algorithm

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    Registered User
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    Sep 2003

    Infinite loop in Round Robin process scheduling algorithm

    Hey again.

    Well, I got all the kinks out of it from before, but now I'm at a block again. My Round Robin algorithm seems to be stuck in an infinite loop.

    I can't figure out where it's looping forever, and I'm not so good at debugging on Linux. Can anyone help me out?

    What it's supposed to do it take a list of processes (sorted by time arrived, and also containing the required burst time), process them, and output the average wait time and average turnaround time. I still have to implement checking to see if a process has arrived at a time or not, but I will leave that until this is working.

    The data file is located here.

    Edit: I almost forgot, this program takes two numerical arguments for the time quanta and context switch time, eg. rr 5 5.

    Here is what I have so far:
    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <cstdlib>
    using namespace std;
    /* Process Data Structure */
    struct process {
        int arrive;             /* Process Arrival Time */
        int burst;              /* CPU Burst Time */
        float working;            /* Working time*/
        float waiting;            /* Waiting time*/
        struct process *next;
    struct process *init_process (int pid, int burst);
    void rr (process *proc, int burst, float cswitch);
    int  main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    	process *plist,*ptmp;
    	int init = 0;
    	int quanta = static_cast<int>(std::strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0));
    	int context_switch = static_cast<int>(std::strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0));
            float cswitch = context_switch/1000;
    	ifstream input;"rrdata.txt");
    	if ( {
            cerr << "unable to open file rrdata.txt for reading" << endl;
    	//Initialize  the list of processes
    	int arrive,burst;
    	plist = init_process(arrive,burst);
     	plist -> next = init_process(arrive,burst);ptmp = plist->next;
     	for (int i = 0; i < 98; i++) {
     		ptmp -> next = init_process(arrive,burst);ptmp = ptmp->next;
    	ptmp -> next = init_process(arrive,burst);          
    	return 0;
    struct process *init_process (int arrive, int burst) {
    	struct process *proc;
    	proc = new process;
        if (proc == NULL) {
            printf("Fatal error: memory allocation failure.\nTerminating.\n");
        proc->arrive = arrive;
        proc->burst = burst;
        proc->working = 0;
        proc->waiting = 0;
        proc->next = NULL;
    void rr (process *proc, int quanta, float cswitch){
     	float burst = 0;
            float wait = 0;
            float switches = 0;
            float time = 0;
     	process *head = proc; /*Used to keep a pointer to the top node.*/
    	process *trail = proc; /*Used to keep a pointer to the previous node in the event that a node must be removed.*/
    	int processesleft = 100;
      int i = 0;
      ofstream output;"output.txt");
    	if ( {
            cerr << "unable to open file output.txt" << endl;
      while(processesleft != 0){
    	/*If there is more then quanta burst time left and there is another process in the queue, do this:*/
        if(proc->burst > quanta && proc->next != NULL)
          proc->working += quanta;
          proc->waiting = time - proc->waiting;
          proc->burst -= quanta;
          trail = proc;
          proc = proc->next;
          time += quanta;
          output<<"time removed, new process"<<endl;
      /*If there is less then or equal to the quanta burst time left and there is another process in the queue, do this:*/
        else if(proc->burst <= quanta && proc->next != NULL)
          proc->working += proc->burst;
          proc->waiting += time-proc->waiting;
          proc->burst = 0;
          time += proc->burst;
          burst = proc->working;
          wait = proc->waiting;
          proc = proc->next;
          trail->next = proc;
          output<<"time reomved, process removed, new process"<<endl;
       /*If there is more then quanta burst time left and there is not another process in the queue, do this:*/
        else if(proc->burst > quanta && proc->next != NULL)
          proc->working += quanta;
          proc->waiting = time - proc->waiting;
          proc->burst -= quanta;
          time += quanta;
          output<<"time removed, no new process"<<endl;
      /*If there is less then or equal to the quanta burst time left and there is not another process in the queue, do this:*/
    	  else if(proc->burst <= quanta && proc->next != NULL)
          proc->working += proc->burst;
          proc->waiting += time-proc->waiting;
          time += proc->burst;
          proc->burst = 0;
          burst = proc->working;
          wait = proc->waiting;
          output<<"time removed,process removed"<<endl;
      switches *= cswitch;
      burst += switches;
      output<<wait/100<<" "<<burst/100;
    Last edited by Shinobi-wan; 12-19-2004 at 02:24 PM.

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