See code below. Due to # of parameter passing limitations, I would like to pass a structure holding a set of parameters to a function as a single parameter and then the function would know how to appropriately make use of the structure. I'm new to this so I don't know if I'm implementing the typecasting correctly for this scenario. I get the following errors on compile time:

fork.c:93: request for member `param1' in something not a structure or union
fork.c:94: request for member `param2' in something not a structure or union
fork.c: In function `main':
fork.c:115: aggregate value used where an integer was expected
Please advise me on what I need to modify to get this to work as intended.

typedef struct myargs{
	int param1;
	int param2;

eventual_function(int id)
    //this is the forked function
    Wait((MYARGS) id.param1);
    Signal((MYARGS) id.param1);
    Signal((MYARGS) id.param2);

    //note fork & semaphore functions custom defined (Nachos OS)
    //establish user semaphores
    int usrmutex = CreateSemapore(1); 
    int usrprocsema4 = CreateSemapore(5);

    //parse semaphore handles for passing to forked children
    MYARGS fncargs;
    fncargs.param1 = usrmutex;
    fncargs.param2 = usrprocsema4;

    Fork(MyThreadA,(int) fncargs);