Long time lurker, first time poster.
I have been working on this assignment for days and keep getting stuck. I am supposed to read the contents of a text file (first and last names, e.g. Smith, John ) into a two dimensional array, sort the array, and write it to a new file. Names longer than 25 characters are supposed to be truncated.

I am storing the names in a character array of pointers, I am able to input the names into the array but as soon as my while loop exits my array is totally messed up.

Here's my code:
//Names are found in the file "names.txt"

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::ios;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;

#include <iomanip>

using std::setw;

#include <fstream>

using std::ifstream;
using std::ofstream;

void sortFile( char *[][1], int );
void getFileName( char [] );
void writeFile ( char *[][1], char [], int );

int main ()
	char *names[25][1]; //array to hold first and last names
	char filename[25]; //array to hold filename input

	int row = 0;
	char fname[25]; //array to hold filename
	char buffer[50] = ""; //array to hold buffer
	char temp[26] = ""; //array to hold temporary value of buffer

	cout << "Enter filename to read from: ";
	cin >> setw(24) >> fname; //input filename

	ifstream inFile( fname, ios::in ); //open file for input

	if ( !inFile ) { //if filename is not valid ask for another name 
		cout << "File could not be opened." << endl;

		while ( !inFile ) {
        	cout << "Enter filename: ";
	        cin >> fname;
	        ifstream inFile( fname, ios::in );

	while ( inFile.peek() != EOF )  {

		inFile.getline(buffer, 50);

		if (strlen(buffer) > 26) {
			strncat(temp, buffer, 26);
			names[row][0] = temp;
			else { names[row][0] = buffer;}

			cout << names[row][0] << endl;



	sortFile( names, row ); //call function to sort file

	getFileName( filename ); //call function to input filename
	writeFile( names, filename, row ); //call function to write to file	

   return 0;

void sortFile( char *n[][1], int num ){

	char *tmp; //pointer to hold temporary value

  for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {

	  if(n[i][0] > n[i + 1][0]) { //if current array element is larger than next element swap them

      //swap last name
      tmp = n[i][0];
      n[i][0] = n[i + 1][0];
      n[i + 1][0] = tmp;

      //swap first name
      tmp = n[i][1];
      n[i][1] = n[i + 1][1];
      n[i + 1][1] = tmp;



void getFileName( char fname[] ) {

	char response;

	cout << "Enter filename to write to: ";
	cin >> setw(24) >> fname; //input filename

	ofstream inFile( fname, ios::out ); //open file for output

	if ( inFile ) { //if file already exists ask if it should be overwritten
		cout << "File already exists. Overwrite (y or n)?";
	    cin >> response;

		if ( response == 'n' ) { //if no ask for another filename
			cout << "Enter filename to write to: ";
	        cin >> setw(24) >> fname;


void writeFile( char *n[][1], char fname[], int num ) {

	cout << num << endl;

	int row = 0; //initialize counter

	ofstream outFile( fname, ios::out ); //open file for output

	if (!outFile ) { //if file could not be opened display error and exit
		cerr << "File could not be opened." << endl;
		exit( 1 );

	while ( row < num ) { //output names to file while number of names is greater than counter

        cout << n[row][0];		
		outFile << n[row][0] << endl;

		  row++; //increase counter		 

I will be so grateful if you can give me some advice.

Thank you! Jenna