Thread: My first program without consulting with the book in my avatar!

  1. #1
    C/C++ homeyg's Avatar
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    Louisiana, USA

    My first program without consulting with the book in my avatar!

    It's just a basic fraction program (it adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides fractions). It might not seem like much maybe not to you guys. I think it signifies that I'm proficient in basic C++ programming (without pointers and stuff). Anyway, here's the program:

    //Fraction Math by homeyg
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    //function prototypes
    void displayAdd(int num1, int num2, int den1, int den2);
    void displaySub(int num1, int num2, int den1, int den2);
    void displayMul(int num1, int num2, int den1, int den2);
    void displayDiv(int num1, int num2, int den1, int den2);
    int denomChange(int run1, int run2);
    int denomChangeMul(int run1, int run2);
    int denomChangeDiv(int rise, int run);
    int numChangeAdd(int rise1, int rise2, int run1, int run2);
    int numChangeSub(int rise1, int rise2, int run1, int run2);
    int numChangeMul(int rise1, int rise2);
    int numChangeDiv(int rise, int run);
    int main()
        //array variable declarations (array is used to perform a check to see if one of the four operators was input
        int arrayCount = 4;
        char opArray[4];
        opArray[0] = '*';
        opArray[1] = '/';
        opArray[2] = '+';
        opArray[3] = '-';
        bool check;
        //variable declarations for the numerators and denominators, operation input, and for the loop control
        int cont;
        int num1;
        int denom1;
        int num2;
        int denom2;
        char operation;
        cout << "This program performs the four main mathematical operations on fractions, nothing fancy."<<endl
             << "This program will not display mixed numbers, only improper fractions."<<endl
             << "It will also not simplify the answers."<<endl;
        //main loop
            //operation input
            cout << "What operation do you want to do (*,/,+,-)? ";
            cin  >> operation;
            //test to see if one of the four valid operators is used
            //if it is not, the main loop starts over
            for(int ind = 0;ind<arrayCount; ind++)
                if(operation == opArray[ind])
                    check = true;
                if(operation != opArray[ind])
                    check = false;
            if(check == false)
                cout<<"Invalid operator."<<endl;
            //numerator and denominator input section      
            cout << "Enter the numerator and denominator of the first fraction to be performed on."<<endl;
            cout << "Numerator: ";
            cin  >> num1;
            cout << "Denominator: ";
            cin  >> denom1;
            cout << num1 <<"/"<<denom1;
            cout << "\nEnter the numerator and denominator of the second fraction to be performed on."<<endl;
            cout << "Numerator: ";
            cin  >> num2;
            cout << "Denominator: ";
            cin  >> denom2;
            cout << num2 <<"/"<<denom2;
            //the function corresponding to the operator is called
                case '+' : displayAdd(num1, num2, denom1, denom2);
                case '-' : displaySub(num1, num2, denom1, denom2);
                case '*' : displayMul(num1, num2, denom1, denom2);
                case '/' : displayDiv(num1, num2, denom1, denom2);
            //test if you want to continue
            cout << "Press any number to continue and 0 to quit. ";
            cin  >> cont;
        return 0;
    //display functions
    void displayAdd(int num1, int num2, int den1, int den2)
        cout << "\nThe answer is: "
             << numChangeAdd(num1, num2, den1, den2) <<"/"<<denomChange(den1, den2)<<endl;
    void displaySub(int num1, int num2, int den1, int den2)
        cout << "\nThe answer is: "
             << numChangeSub(num1, num2, den1, den2) <<"/"<<denomChange(den1, den2)<<endl;
    void displayMul(int num1, int num2, int den1, int den2)
        cout << "\nThe answer is: "
             << numChangeMul(num1, num2) <<"/"<<denomChangeMul(den1, den2)<<endl;
    void displayDiv(int num1, int num2, int den1, int den2)
        cout << "\nThe answer is: "
             << numChangeDiv(num1, den2) <<"/"<<denomChangeDiv(num2, den1)<<endl;
    //denominator calculation functions
    int denomChange(int run1, int run2)
        return run1 * run2;
        return run1;
    int denomChangeMul(int run1, int run2)
        return run1 * run2;
    int denomChangeDiv(int rise, int run)
        return rise * run;
    //numerator calculation functions
    int numChangeAdd(int rise1, int rise2, int run1, int run2)
            int firstNum = rise1 * run2;
            int secondNum = rise2 * run1;
            return firstNum + secondNum;
        return rise1 + rise2;    
    int numChangeSub(int rise1, int rise2, int run1, int run2)
            int firstNum = rise1 * run2;
            int secondNum = rise2 * run1;
            return firstNum - secondNum;
        return rise1 - rise2;
    int numChangeMul(int rise1, int rise2)
        return rise1 * rise2;
    int numChangeDiv(int rise, int run)
        return rise * run;
    Do any of you remember the first program you wrote unnassisted? I did write a smaller program before, but it had many problems before it finally worked. I think I had to resolve to the forums to solve it!

    I don't know if I could figure out how to simplify the fractions or put them as mixed numbers without using another page of code so I just said forget it and went with unsimplified, improper fractions.

    I have another idea for a program, however, it requires finding the square root of a number which I also don't know how to do. Is there a special function or operator for it?
    Last edited by homeyg; 11-29-2004 at 10:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    All of my first programs were unassisted. It hasn't been until as of late that I've been buying books left and right.

    First program I wrote I believe was a password protection system for comp at school. You had to login to the system or it would reboot the computer. I had the BIOS password protected as well.

    Most embarassing thing that happened was that since I had locked out F5 and F8 in the Windows boot process by using the /SWITCHES option when my program failed due to a NULL pointer I had to remove the case cover, remove the BIOS jumper, and reset the whole thing.

    Those were the days.
    Last edited by VirtualAce; 11-29-2004 at 10:21 PM.

  3. #3
    C/C++ homeyg's Avatar
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    Louisiana, USA
    Whoah, I didn't know it was that simple...

    I have bought 2 books in the last month...
    Last edited by homeyg; 11-29-2004 at 10:24 PM.

  4. #4
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    Yep. Check math.h.

    So a simple distance formula could be written like this:
    double ComputeDistance2D(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2)
      double diffx=x2-x1;
      double diffy=y2-y1;
      return sqrt((diffx*diffx)+(diffy*diffy));
    I avoided data typecasts here to keep it simple.

  5. #5
    C/C++ homeyg's Avatar
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    You must have read my mind because that was exactly what I was going to use - the distance formula.

  6. #6
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    Well the distance formula is extremely useful in computer graphics which is what I love to program.

    Using that you can find out how to make one 2D object 'fire at' another.

    I won't go into the code because it might confuse you and you seem to be doing quite well.

  7. #7
    C/C++ homeyg's Avatar
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    Louisiana, USA
    Yeah, I don't think I'm at the graphics programming stage yet.

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