Hi all, this is a string tokenizer that I wrote in C++ quite a while ago, I wrote it because I hate strtok, I hate strtok because it requires me to make multiple calls to get all the tokens. The point of this function is that it returns an array of strings each containing a token. The code is fully documented, what i'm looking for here is basically a code critique, if anyone can spot any flaws or possible memory leaks I would love to hear about them, hope someone can help me out, thanks all!

char** StringTokenizer(const char* pString, const char* pDelimiters, int& nTokenCount)
	char** pSuperString;	//the array of strings that holds everything
	int nInputLength = StringLength(pString);	//get length of string to be tokenized
	int nNumDelimeters = StringLength(pDelimiters);	//get how many delimiters there are
	int nSuperString = 0;	//used as a counter
	int nString = 0;	//used as a counter
	char* pMyInput = new char[nInputLength];	//just a copy of pString so as not to modify original string
	StringCopy(pMyInput, pString);
	for (int nInput = 0; nInput < nInputLength; nInput++)	//insert spaces where the tokens are (acts as a placeholder)
		for (int nToken = 0; nToken < nNumDelimeters; nToken++)	
			if (pMyInput[nInput] == pDelimiters[nToken]) 
				pMyInput[nInput] = ' ';
		nToken = 0;

	for (int nCount = 0; nCount < nInputLength; nCount++)	//count number of tokens (spaces)
		if (pMyInput[nCount] == ' ' && pMyInput[nCount+1] != ' ') 
	pSuperString = new char*[nTokenCount];	//number of tokens (+1) = number of strings

	for (int nSString = 0; nSString < nTokenCount; nSString++)	
		pSuperString[nSString] = new char[50];	//go through an assign memory to each string within the superstring
		StringCopy(pSuperString[nSString], "");

	for (int nCounter = 0; nCounter < nInputLength; nCounter++)
		if (pMyInput[nCounter] != ' ')
			StringCopy(pSuperString[nSuperString][nString], pMyInput[nCounter]);	//copy substrings into the superstring
		else if (pMyInput[nCounter+1] != ' ')
			nString = 0;
	return pSuperString;