This is just a programming example I am learning from.
I can't get this to output to a text file.
Input file:
1126 Andrew Jackson ILL 5000.00 3245.11


const int MaxNameLen = 31;
const int MaxStCodeLen = 3;
const int MaxNum = 500;

struct CREDITREC {
     long acctno;   //account number = social security number;
     char custName[MaxNameLen];  //Customer name upto 30 cahracters.
     char stateCode[MaxStCodeLen]; //upper case state code.
     double creditlimit;  //credit limit of customers
     double balance;  //customers current balance due.

int LoadArray(CREDITREC crec[], int limit, char filename[]);
void SortArray(CREDITREC crec[], int numRecs);
void PrintReport(CREDITREC crec[], int numRecs, char filename[]);

int main(){
     CREDITREC creditRec[MaxNum];  //array of customer credit records.
     int  numRecs;                 //current number of customers in array.

     //Obtain the input and report filenames from the user
     char inputFilename[_MAX_PATH];
     char reportFilename[_MAX_PATH];
     cout<<"Enter the name of the credit master file: ";
     cout<<"Enter the name of the output filename: ";

     //load the array of credit records
     numRecs = LoadArray (creditRec, MaxNum, inputFilename);
     cout<<"\nArray loaded: "<<numRecs<<"records input\n";

     //sort the arrray into a state code order
     cout<<"Sorting the array\n";
     SortArray(creditRec, numRecs);

     //Produce the report
     cout<<"Printing the report\n";
     PrintReport(creditRec, numRecs, reportFilename);
     return 0;

//Load Array                                                        //

int LoadArray(CREDITREC crec[], int limit, char filename[]){
     ifstream infile;
 , ios::in | ios::nocreate );
     if (!infile){
          cerr<<"Error: cannot open"<<filename<<endl;
     exit (1);
     int i = 0;
     char c;
     while(i < limit && infile >>crec[i].acctno >> c){
          //input the customer name " delimited
     infile.getline(crec[i].custName, MaxNameLen, '\"');
     //input the next byte which can be the " if thee name is length.

     infile.get (c);
     //if it was the " then skip ws
     infile.get (crec[i].stateCode, MaxStCodeLen);

     //guard against input data
          cerr<<"Error: bad data input file.\nLast good id was";
          if((i - 1)== 0)
               cerr<<"the first line\n";
               cerr<<crec[i - 1].acctno<<endl;
          infile.close ();
          exit (3);
     infile.close ();
     return i;//return the number of records
//SortArray: sorts thee credit records into state code order        //
void SortArray (CREDITREC crec[], int numRecs){
     CREDITREC temp;
     int i, j;
     for(i=0; i<numRecs-1; i++){
          for(j=i+1; j<numRecs; j++){
               if (strcmp (crec[j].stateCode, crec[i].stateCode) < 0){
                    temp = crec[i];
                    crec[i] = crec[j];
                    crec[j] = temp;

//PrintReport: summarize data wile printing the report              //
void PrintReport(CREDITREC crec[], int numRecs, char filename[]){
     char prevState[MaxStCodeLen];  //the previous state code for breaks
     int numAcctInState = 0;  //number of accounts in this state
     double totalLimit = 0;   //total credit limit in this state
     double totalBalance = 0;  //total credit extended in this state
     int grandNumStates = 0;
     int grandNumAccts = 0;      //company total number of accounts.
     double grandTotalLimit = 0; //company total credit limit
     double grandTotalBalance = 0; //company total credit extended

     //open report file and print hedings and column headings
     ofstream outfile (filename);
     outfile<<"Acme Credit Company - Creedit Extended by State Report\n\n"
             <<"State Number of Credit Totals Extended\n"
             <<"Code Accounts         Limit           Balance\n";

     outfile.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);

     //guard against no records in the array
          //initialize the previous state code to the first record
          //and initialize the initial state totals
     strcpy(prevState, crec[0].stateCode);
     totalLimit = crec[0].creditlimit;
     totalBalance = crec[0].balance;

     //Loop through all the credit records
     for(int i=1; i < numRecs; i++){
          //check for a change in state code
          if (strcmp (prevState, crec[i].stateCode) != 0){
               //this stat is the next state so print totals of the previous state
             <<setw(7)<< "$" <<setw(9)<<totalLimit
             <<setw(6)<< "$" <<setw(9)<<totalBalance<<endl;

     //roll previous state totals into grand company totals
     grandNumAccts += numAcctInState;
     grandTotalLimit += totalLimit;
     grandTotalBalance += totalBalance;
     //reset previous state code to the new one
     strcpy(prevState, crec[i].stateCode);
     //reset the state totals to zero.
     numAcctInState = 0;
     totalLimit = 0;
     totalBalance = 0;
     //accumulate this state values
          totalLimit += crec[i].creditlimit;
          totalBalance += crec[i].balance;
     //print last state in the set of data
             <<setw(7)<< "$" <<setw(9)<<totalLimit
             <<setw(6)<< "$" <<setw(9)<<totalBalance<<endl;
     grandNumAccts += numAcctInState;
     grandTotalLimit += totalLimit;
     grandTotalBalance += totalBalance;
     //print the grand company totals
     outfile<<" --       ---       --------          -----------\n"
             <<setw(7)<< "$" <<setw(9)<<grandTotalLimit
             <<setw(6)<< "$" <<setw(9)<<grandTotalBalance<<endl;