Ok, if anytime has time please help me. I'm having trouble writing a program for class. What I really need to know is what loop to use and how to set it up. Here's the problem:

A painting company has determined for ever 160 sq ft of wall space, one gallon or paint and 3 hours of labor is required. The company charges $28.00 per hour for labor. You are to design a program that allows the user to enter the number of rooms that are to be painted, the approx. sq ft in each room( it may differ from room to room) and the price of the paint per gallon. The program should create a report that includes a fancy company header and displays the following info: (ok, I know how to do this so I'm going to skip the info)

Your program shall use the following functions: print the headings(know this) function to calculate cost of labor, paint, and total cost; (know these) the function should return the total cost through the function name; other values should be returned by reference parameters(not exactly sure what a reference parameter is)

Data is read from a file, and we have test data to use. Any help would be appreciate. The loop is needed for inputting the sq ft of each room to be painted. Thanks