It is late, and i was bored so i decided to go through a few tutorial quizes on this site. One question i came apon confused me, how do you get a memory address of a specific element in an array.
5. Which of the following gives the memory address of the first element in array foo, an array with 100 elements?
A. foo[0];
B. foo;
C. &foo;
D. foo[1];
It shows B as being correct, i do not understand why it is not C seeing as C has the memory address operator.

i mean if "foo;" returns the address of the first element of an array, how do you get say the 2nd element in the 3rd dimension's address.

Or is it trying to say that arrays keep all dimension's and elements in one memory location. Now that i think about it thats prob right lol... i think. Anyway, enlighten me hehe. Thanks