Any help is greatly appreciated..

How do I read this information int a Doubly Linked List? I don't
even know where to start.


ifstream IF ("csc23565_lab4.txt");
ofstream OF ("OUTPUT_lab4.txt");

typedef struct{
   string lastName;
   string phoneNumber;
   string course[15];
} Person;

  int RecCount=1;
  Person Rec;

         if( !IF )
            {cout<<"cannot open file"<<endl;

   // loop for Records of Person
   while ( IF >> Rec.lastName)
         { OF<<Rec.lastName << "  ";
            cout <<" ";
            cout <<Rec.lastName<<" ";

            IF >>Rec.phoneNumber;
            OF<<Rec.phoneNumber << "  ";
            cout <<Rec.phoneNumber<<"    ";

      // loop through the courses for this Record

            int courseIndex=0;   // reseting the array index to zero
            IF >>Rec.course[courseIndex];

            while (Rec.course[courseIndex] != "XXX111")
             {cout<<Rec.course[courseIndex]<<" ";

      }// end of course loop

      OF << endl;
      cout << endl;
   }// end of while loop for records of Person


The sample info in the txt file is basically a directory of students:

Arthur 1234567890 MTH235 PHY235 SOC235 XXX111
Grant 1234567890 PSY235 ART235 XX111
Johns 1234567890 CSC235 XXX111

and the file "DubDV_listP.C" I'm including is :

typedef int DlistItemType;
class DlistNode;            // linked list node

typedef DlistNode* ptrType;  // pointer to node

class DlistNode          // a node on the list
   friend class  DlistClass;
   DlistItemType DItem;  // a data item on the list
   ptrType       DNext;  // pointer to next node
   ptrType       DPrev; // pointer to prev node
};  // end class listNode

class DlistClass
// constructors and destructor:
   DlistClass();                    // default constructor
   DlistClass(const DlistClass& L);  // copy constructor
   ~DlistClass();                   // destructor

// list operations:
   bool DListIsEmpty() const;
   int  DListLength() const;
   void DListInsert(int NewPosition, DlistItemType NewItem,
                   bool& Success);
   void DListDelete(int Position, bool& Success);
   void DListRetrieve(int Position, DlistItemType& DataItem,
                     bool& Success) const;

   int     Size;  // number of items in list
   ptrType Head;  // pointer to linked list of items
   ptrType Tail;
   ptrType DPtrTo(int Position) const;
   // Returns a pointer to the Position-th node
   // in the linked list.
}; // end class

DlistClass::DlistClass(const DlistClass& L): Size(L.Size)
   if (L.Head == NULL)
      Head = NULL;  // original list is empty

   {  // copy first node
      Head = new DlistNode;
      assert(Head != NULL);  // check allocation
      Head->DItem = L.Head->DItem;

      // copy rest of list
      ptrType NewPtr = Head;  // new list pointer
      // NewPtr points to last node in new list
      // OrigPtr points to nodes in original list
      for (ptrType OrigPtr = L.Head->DNext;
                   OrigPtr != NULL;
                   OrigPtr = OrigPtr->DNext)
      {  NewPtr->DNext = new DlistNode;
         assert(NewPtr->DNext != NULL);
         NewPtr = NewPtr->DNext;
         NewPtr->DItem = OrigPtr->DItem;
      }  // end for

      NewPtr->DNext = NULL;
   }  // end if
}  // end copy constructor

   bool Success;

   while (!DListIsEmpty())
      DListDelete(1, Success);
} // end destructor

bool DlistClass::DListIsEmpty() const
   return bool(Size == 0);
}  // end ListIsEmpty

int DlistClass::DListLength() const
   return Size;
}  // end ListLength

ptrType DlistClass::DPtrTo(int Position) const
// --------------------------------------------------
// Locates a specified node in a linked list.
// Precondition: Position is the number of the
// desired node.
// Postcondition: Returns a pointer to the desired
// node. If Position < 1 or Position > the number of
// nodes in the list, returns NULL.
// --------------------------------------------------
   if ( (Position < 1) || (Position > DListLength()) )
      return NULL;

   else  // count from the beginning of the list
   {  ptrType Cur = Head;
      for (int Skip = 1; Skip < Position; ++Skip)
         Cur = Cur->DNext;
      return Cur;
   }  // end if
}  // end PtrTo

void DlistClass::DListRetrieve(int Position,
                             DlistItemType& DataItem,
                             bool& Success) const
   Success = bool( (Position >= 1) &&
                   (Position <= DListLength()) );

   if (Success)
   {  // get pointer to node, then data in node
      ptrType Cur = DPtrTo(Position);
      DataItem = Cur->DItem;
   }  // end if
} // end ListRetrieve

void DlistClass::DListInsert(int NewPosition,
                           DlistItemType NewItem,
                           bool& Success)
   int NewLength = DListLength() + 1;

   Success = bool( (NewPosition >= 1) &&
                   (NewPosition <= NewLength) );

   if (Success)
   {  // create new node and place NewItem in it
      ptrType NewPtr = new DlistNode;
      Success = bool(NewPtr != NULL);
      if (Success)
      {  Size = NewLength;
         NewPtr->DItem = NewItem;

         // attach new node to list
         if (NewPosition == 1)
         {  // insert new node at beginning of list
            NewPtr->DNext = Head;
            Head = NewPtr;

         {  ptrType Prev = DPtrTo(NewPosition-1);
            // insert new node after node
            // to which Prev points
            NewPtr->DNext = Prev->DNext;
            Prev->DNext = NewPtr;
         }  // end if
      }  // end if
   }  // end if
} // end ListInsert

void DlistClass::DListDelete(int Position,
                           bool& Success)
   ptrType Cur;

   Success = bool( (Position >= 1) &&
                   (Position <= DListLength()) );

   if (Success)
   {  --Size;
      if (Position == 1)
      {  // delete the first node from the list
         Cur = Head;  // save pointer to node
         Head = Head->DNext;

      {  ptrType Prev = DPtrTo(Position-1);
         // delete the node after the
         // node to which Prev points
         Cur = Prev->DNext;  // save pointer to node
         Prev->DNext = Cur->DNext;
      }  // end if

      // return node to system
      Cur->DNext = NULL;
      delete Cur;
      Cur = NULL;
   }  // end if
}  // end ListDelete

// END of listClass Implementation Code

If you've read this far, thank you. I don't normally post this much code, but I just don't know where to start with my problem.. i've been drawing blanks since yesterday.