Thread: file reading error

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  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    file reading error

    i am trying to read from a file until EOF, and print details to the screen.
    it seems to print extra stuff at the end.
    below is my code

    list<Things*> i;
    ifstream x ("file.txt");
         Things* temp = new Things;
         x >> two;
         x >> three;
    ostream& Foo::printAll(ostream& stream) {
      list<Things*>::iterator a;
        for(a = i.begin(); a != i.end(); ++a)
            stream << (**a).print_details(stream) << endl;
      return stream;
    ostream& Bar::print_details(ostream& stream) {
            stream  << "ONe: "        << get_one()           << endl
                    << "Two: "             << get_two()        << endl
                    << "Three: "           << get_three()      << endl
                    << endl;
            return stream;
    and the printout that i actually get when i run my prog is (without the hashes)..
    One: eeny
    Two: meeny
    Three: miny

    Two: meeny
    Three: miny


    and my file contains (without the hashes)
    meeny miny

    can anyone see why its printing it twice and those funny address values aswell?

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Sep 2004
    try a++ instead of ++a

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Sep 2004
    also, try no print_details instead of stream << print_details
    Last edited by misplaced; 10-05-2004 at 03:22 AM.

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Jul 2004
    try a++ instead of ++a
    this did not work

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Jul 2004
    also, try no print_details instead of stream << print_details
    ok this stopped the printing of address's,
    it is still printing an extra copy so

    One: eeny
    Two: meeny
    Three: miny

    Two: meeny
    Three: miny

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Sep 2004
    .........???............seems to me like you don't need the for loop either......
    try without it...if that doesn't work post the rest of your code

    what are you trying to do with (**a) ?

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Jul 2004
    well i would think i would need the for loop since i want to print out all the nodes in my list. even tho now it only has one, later on i do wish to insert more.

  8. #8
    Registered User
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    Sep 2004
    your code doesn't really make sense to me to begin with.....

    you have a list containing type Things....yet, inside Bar:rint_details() you reference get_one(), get_two() and get_three() as if they were of type this an inherited class?

  9. #9
    Registered User
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    Mar 2002
    I think the problem is here:
    	 Things* temp = new Things;
    	 x >> two;
    	 x >> three;
    eof() as a conditional will often cause an "extra" item to be read in. I'm not very good at explaining it, so I recommend you go here:

    That reference talks about feof() but the argument holds for eof() as well, as eof() is basically feof() updated for C++ and input streams rather than FILE pointers for C.

    As I understand it, when your code calls x >> three, it terminates input when it sees EOF but it doesn't set EOF indicator yet, so when you go back to the start of the while loop, eof() checks to see if EOF indicator is set. It isn't so eof() still returns false, !x.eof() is still true, and the loop body goes on to try to read some more. The behaviour of getline() and >> is undefined at this point since we have gone beyond the end of the file, and the compiler puts whatever it wants into one, two, and three. It often just doesn't do anything so whatever was in one, two, and three remain there, though you can't count on that. Whatever happens to one, two, and three, the code continues and prints out whatever is in one, two and three, and you end up with an extra set of stuff printed out that you hadn't intended.

    To fix this I'd try changing the conditional to


    and droppint the call to getline() within the body of the while loop.

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