I've just started playing with file io.

My raw data file contains the following:

-52.387596 61.659180 -2.277227
-52.341648 61.521450 -2.243313

and I want to output a file such

#PSI Format 1.0
# column [0] = "x"
# column [1] = "y"
# column [2] = "z"
# column [3] = "Energy"
# column [4] = "Id"
# type[3] = byte

-52.3876 61.6592 -2.27723 0 0

As you can see from numbers in my outputed file the numbers have been rounded.

Q - How do I get around this?

Heres my code

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;

int main (int argv, char* arvc[]){
	char *sourceFileName = "start.xyz";
	char *destinationFileName = "finish.psi";

	fstream finput;
	fstream foutput;

	finput.open(sourceFileName, ios::in);
	foutput.open(destinationFileName, ios::out);

	int index = 0;
	string line;
		x, y, z;

	if (finput.is_open() && foutput.is_open()){
		foutput << "#PSI Format 1.0" << endl;
		foutput << "#" << endl;
		foutput << "# column [0] = \"x\"" << endl;
		foutput << "# column [1] = \"y\"" << endl;
		foutput << "# column [2] = \"z\"" << endl;
		foutput << "# column [3] = \"Energy\"" << endl;
		foutput << "# column [4] = \"Id\"" << endl;
		foutput << "# type[3] = byte" << endl;
		foutput << "" << endl;

		while (!finput.eof()){
			finput >> x >> y >> z;
			foutput << x  << " " << y << " " << z << " " << 0 << " " << index << endl ;


		cout << "Error in opening eithe input or output files";

		if (finput.is_open ()){

		if (foutput.is_open()){


	cout << "Conversion undertaken";
	cin.ignore ();
	return 1;
Perhaps I'm missing something real silly. I tried to make x,y,z floats as well but this didnt work either :-(

Thanks for pointers.