...and thought about how much faster I could do it if i had some sort of tool to automate the BS of simplifying and solving equations...hmmmmmmm........DING!.....I have decided to take on the most complex computer program i have ever written (probably not real complex to any of you real coders though). After thinking about it all day, it turns out it will logically be a little harder than i thought.

I was wondering if anyopne had any advie on how to arrange and store my data for example:

 2-x                                  50x^3
------  + 8xyz^2 = 2(5 + x) -  ----------
 5*2                                    9
I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to arrange that into manageable data structures. One thing i know for sure is i would like to break the equation up into terms. The pitfall is in a fraction there may be one or more terms for either numerator and/or divisor....however a fraction IS a term... any advice on this ?

any advice on the project in general?