Hey everyone, I have some more questions for the community ...I promise when I learn enough I will pass my knowledge to every human being in my path of programming destruction! haha everyone here's been (and hopefully will continue to be ) disturbingly helpful...that's right! I went there! So anyways, now that the ranting and raving's outta the way...here's the code and following is the QUESTION! bum bum bum:
if (!cin)    //bad input
            while (cin.get() != '\n')
            cout << "Bad input; input process terminated.\n";
The question here is what exactly does the
while (cin.get() != '\n')
section do? Does it help in the removal of the bad input? As much information on this subject as well as what the continue in there does...and if you feel like discussing the entire chunk of code...by all means, that would be even greater, I didn't want to be too much of a hassle...hey if anyone's getting any help from my questions other than me, speak up...I feel like the annoying little brother who keeps jumping up and down begging for programing attention hahaha...alright, thanks everyone -Chap