Hey. I'm thinking about buying this book its called, 3D Game Engine Programming, because game programming is something i rly want to learn. However, i went to Borders and checked it out. Unfortuantly i found that my C++ knowledge is not up to par for this book. Basically i have a high school working knowledge of C++ lol. This basically means, i know how to declare the basic variables, functions, arrays, and that type of stuff and the school offers nothing higher than that , but nothing advanced enough to rly tackle a book like this. So basically, i'm wondering if anyone knows of a book or website or something that would help me to advance my knowledge of C++ to the point where i could be able to learn from a book like that. Thx to anyone who can help.

What i rly need is a book that gives a strong understanding of advanced uses of classes, functions(though i said i learned them we rly burnt through them), advanced types of variables(besides the basic int, double, bool, string, and what not) and symbols. But mainly classes. Thx a lot for any suggestions.