well everyone heres the code and I gotta tell yah this one has got me stumped
#include <iostream> 
#include <string>     

using namespace std;

class two
private: float x, y;
	void read()
		cout<<"Enter the x cooridnate: "; cin>>x;       //enter the value for the x coord
		cout<<"Enter the y coordinate: "; cin>>y;		//enter the value for the y coord

	void show()
	cout<<"the x and y of point a are("<<x<<" , "<<y<<")"<<endl;  //shows the value of the x and y coord

friend void show(two p)
	cout<<"the x and y of point b are("<<p.x<<" , "<<p.y<<")"<<endl;
friend float distance(two p)
	float d=((0-p.x)(0-p.x)) + (0-p.y)(0-p.y));
void main()
	two a, b;//declares two objects a and b
	a.read();//read in x and y values for object a
	b.read();//read in x and y values for object b
    a.show();//show x and y values for object a
	show(b);//show x and y values for object b
	cout<<"The distance from point(0,0) to point a is" <<distance(b);
well according to the info I got on friend functions this stuff should work man but I keep getting this crazy error message that says internal compiler error. Now the one question that I have what exactly am I missing here