Bare with me :/

I have two class definitions in file MyClass.h:

#define MYCLASS_H

class MyClass
    int i;

        MyClass(int n):i(n){}
        int GetI(void){return i;}

class MyClass2
    float x;

        MyClass2(float n):x(n){}
        float GetX(void){return x;}
        void DoStuffToX(void);
I then have a file named globals.h with a global object of type MyClass in a namespace:

#define GLOBALS_H

#ifndef MYCLASS_H
    #include "myClass.h"

namespace my_name
    MyClass myObject(234);
I then have a file called MyMain.cpp which includes both header files and refers to my global MyClass object:

#include <iostream>

#ifndef GLOBALS_H
    #include "globals.h"

#ifndef MYCLASS_H
    #include "myClass.h"

int main()
    cout << my_name::myObject.GetI();

  return 0;

Now, at this point in the operation everything compiles and works fine; we have an output on the screen of "234". Hoorah. The error occurrs when I try adding another file wanting to include globals.h. This one is called MyClass2.cpp:

#ifndef MYCLASS_H
    #include "myClass.h"
#ifndef GLOBALS_H
    #include "globals.h"

void MyClass2::DoStuffToX()
    x *= static_cast<float>(my_name::myObject.GetI());
I try to compile this (all four files) and I get the following linker errors:

d:/dom/my documents/developing tools/temp programming/globalobjects/myclass2.o: In function `MyClass2:oStuffToX(void)':
//d/dom/my documents/developing tools/temp programming/globalobjects/myclass2.cpp:9: multiple definition of `my_name::myObject'
d:/dom/my documents/developing tools/temp programming/globalobjects/mymain.o(.bss+0x0)://D/DEV-C_~1/Include/G__~1/streambuf.h: first defined here
This is of course a simplified version of a much more complicated program, where I would really like to be able to have a global variable that can be included by more than one file. Any light on this would be much appreciated.
