Hey guys, I'm currently trying to implement huffman compress/decompress functions. They generally work properly, but I've run into a problem: If a file only contains one type of character, say for example 'a', then when I build the tree it will have only one node - the root node - and consequently it will have no code associated with it. Thus when I write the 'compressed' file, only a frequency table and 'bits in last byte' count are written to file, and when I 'decompress' the file, I end up with an empty file even if the original was say half a gigabyte. Is there any neat solution to this problem without having to resort to special cases (for examples, if root node has no childs, assign it a code of 0)? And also how would the tree be built if the original file was empty to begin with?

**P.s. I just thought of something... have a root-root node with its 'left' pointer referencing the 'real' root node. Would this work?

After doing some board searches, I'm gonna look up the Deflate algorithm and see if that helps any... But I'd still very much appreciate any responses to my question.