Thread: What is the Invariant for iterative mergesort?

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    Registered User
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    Dec 2003

    Unhappy What is the Invariant for iterative mergesort?

    Uhm sorry, newbie question here, but i'm supposed to write an invariant for the below code:
    void Mergesort::iterMerge(int array[],int temp[],int lt,int md,int rt)
        int i = lt;
        int j = md+1;
        int k = lt;       
       while(( i <= md )&&( j <= rt ))
    		if( array[ i ] <= array[ j ] )  
    	      temp[ k++ ]= array[ i++ ];
    	      temp[ k++ ]= array[ j++ ];
       while( i <= md )
        	temp[ k++ ]= array[ i++ ];
       while( j <= rt )
         	temp[ k++ ]= array[ j++ ];
    void Mergesort::mergePass( int array[], int temp[], int current, 
    									int arraySize )
       int count = 0;
       while ( count <= arraySize - 2 * current ) 
       		iterMerge( array, temp, count, count+current-1, count+2*current-1 );
          	count = count + 2*current;
       if ( count + current < arraySize )
          	iterMerge( array, temp, count, count+current-1, arraySize-1);
       		for ( int i = count; i <= arraySize-1; i++ )
          		temp[ i ] = array[ i ];   
    void Mergesort::iterativeMergesort( DataType* array, int arraySize )
       int current = 1;
       int *temp;
       temp = new int [ arraySize ];
       while( current < arraySize )
       	  mergePass ( array, temp, current, arraySize );
          current += current;                
          mergePass ( temp, array, current, arraySize );
          current += current;                
    Can anyone please lend me a hint? I'm not quite sure where to start... Thanks in advance
    Last edited by MelaOS; 08-16-2004 at 07:51 PM.

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