I've searched and read some of the topics. I've read this. and it's still not working. I can't seem to split up my program into 3 pieces. I've managed to split the program into 2, seperating the header and the class functions/main. But once I seperate main from the class functions, it says Linker Error. I've just about given up. I'm wondering if it just my problem. Is someone could please help, that would great. Here is my simple program (there's no comments).

#ifndef BANK_H  
#define BANK_H
class Bank
		Bank() { balance = 1000; transactions = 0; interest = .15;}
		Bank(float itsBalance)
			{ balance = itsBalance;	transactions = 0; interest = .15;}
		~Bank() {std::cout << "Destructor called";}
		void deposit(float depAmount) 
  			{ balance += depAmount; transactions++; }
		void withdraw(float wdrawAmount) 
  			{ balance -= wdrawAmount; transactions++; }
		float getInterest() { return interest * balance; }
		float getBalance() { return balance; }
		int getTransactions() { return transactions; }
		void displayMenu();
		float balance;
		int transactions;
		float interest;

// Bank.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include "Bank.h"

using namespace std;

void Bank::displayMenu()
	cout << "\n\n1: View Balance\n"
		 << "2: Deposit money\n"
		 << "3: Withdraw\n"
		 << "4: View Interest\n"
		 << "5: View Transactions\n"
		 << "6: Exit\n\n";
// main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include "Bank.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
	Bank account(5000);
	int choice, amount;
    	cin >> choice;
   		case 1:	cout << "You're balance is $" << account.getBalance(); break;
   		case 2: cout << "How much money would you like to deposit?\n";
	   			cin >> amount; account.deposit(amount); break;
	    case 3: cout << "How much money would you like to withdraw?\n";
	   			cin >> amount; 
       			if(amount > account.getBalance())
      				{ cout << "Sorry, you don't have enough money in the bank\n"; break;}
           		account.withdraw(amount); break;	   			
        case 4: cout << "Your interest is $" << account.getInterest() << endl; break;
        case 5: cout << "You've made " << account.getTransactions() 
        			 << " transactions.\n"; break;
        case 6: exit(0);
        default: cout << "Please enter a valid number!";
    }// while (choice !=6);
    return 0;