I have an assignment in which I must be able to find all of the ancestors of a node in a general tree and be able to print those ancestors in order from the root down:

the nodes have values that are strings.

I'm having a tough time getting my head around this. All of been able to come up w/ so far is using a multi-dimensional array, finding the values from the node up to the root, storing them in the array and then reversing it.

Not having much luck though. Here's the code I have so far.

// Finds All Of A Node's Ancestors

void tree::FindAncestor(link *findtemp, char key[20])


cout << endl;

int foundFlag = 0;

int ctr = 0;

int x = 0;

char temp[500][20];

char reverse[500][20];

Find(findtemp,key,foundFlag ); // Finds value for which ancestors must be found

if (curr == root)


cout << curr->value << "'s ancestors are: " << endl;

while (curr->parent->value != NULL)



strcpy(temp[ctr],curr->parent->value); //input value into array to be reversed later

cout << temp[ctr] << " ";




while (x < ctr)





cout << endl << endl << temp;

cout << endl << endl << reverse;


I have some class specific stuff in there, but you should be able to follow it.

When I print out the stuff at the end I get Hex addresses. Can anyone help? Or maybe tell me a better way of doing this?
