this piece of code was fine when i replaced operator+-*/ with add, subtract, multiply, and divide. now i am getting errors that there are too many parameters in the overloading operators. i am not too familar with overloading operators. should i create a new class that contains all the parameters? a friend function (which i am also not too familar with)? also, is anybody familar with using the assert() method in the <cassert> library so the program will print out an error if a user inputs "0" as the denominator?

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

///////////////////////////// fraction Class ///////////////////////////////
class fraction

	int num;
	int denom;
	char dummychar;


	fraction() : num(0), denom(0)
	{  }                                  // Constructor

	void getfraction()                    // Input fractions and sign
		cout << "Please Enter Fraction: ";
	    cin >> num >> dummychar >> denom;
	    cout << "\n";

	void operator+(fraction& fr1, fraction& fr2, fraction& fr3);  // decl. of addition function
	void operator-(fraction& fr1, fraction& fr2, fraction& fr3);  // decl. of subtract.function
	void operator*(fraction& fr1, fraction& fr2, fraction& fr3);  // decl. of multipl. function
	void operator/(fraction& fr1, fraction& fr2, fraction& fr3);    // decl. of division function
	void lowterms(fraction& fr3);               // declaration of lowterms function
	void showfraction(fraction& fr3)            // Display result on the screen
		cout << "Answer= " << fr3.num << "/" 
			 << fr3.denom << "\n\n";


// ------------------------------ Addition ------------------------------

void fraction::operator+(fraction& fr1, fraction& fr2, fraction& fr3)
	fr3.num = fr1.num*fr2.denom + fr1.denom*fr2.num;
	fr3.denom = fr1.denom*fr2.denom;

// ----------------------------- Subtraction-----------------------------

void fraction::operator-(fraction& fr1, fraction& fr2, fraction& fr3)
	fr3.num = fr1.num*fr2.denom - fr1.denom*fr2.num;
	fr3.denom = fr1.denom*fr2.denom;

// ---------------------------- Multiplication---------------------------

void fraction::operator*(fraction& fr1, fraction& fr2, fraction& fr3)
	fr3.num = fr1.num*fr2.num;
	fr3.denom = fr1.denom*fr2.denom;

// ------------------------------ Division ------------------------------

void fraction::operator/(fraction& fr1, fraction& fr2, fraction& fr3)
	fr3.num = fr1.num*fr2.denom;
	fr3.denom = fr1.denom*fr2.num;

// ------------------------ Lowest Term Function ------------------------

void fraction::lowterms(fraction& fr3)                  // Simplify to lowest terms
			long tnum, tden, temp, gcd;

			tnum = labs(fr3.num);
			tden = labs(fr3.denom);
			{ cout << "Illegal fraction: division by 0 \n"; exit(1); }
			else if(tnum==0)
			{ fr3.num=0; fr3.denom=1; return; }

			while(tnum != 0)
				if(tnum < tden)
				{ temp=tnum; tnum=tden; tden=temp; }
			tnum = tnum - tden;
		gcd = tden;
		fr3.num = fr3.num / gcd;
		fr3.denom = fr3.denom / gcd;


char getsign();                        // declaration of getsign function


int main()
	fraction fract1, fract2, fract3;
	char response;
	char sgn;

	while (response != 'N')

		sgn = getsign();

		switch (sgn)                   // Arithmetic Switch
		case '+':
			fract3.operator+(fract1, fract2, fract3);
		case '-':
			fract3.operator-(fract1, fract2, fract3);               
		case '*':
			fract3.operator*(fract1, fract2, fract3);             
		case '/':
			fract3.operator/(fract1, fract2, fract3);                

		fract3.lowterms(fract3);                   // function call to simplify terms


		cout << "Calculate Another (Y or N)? ";
		cin >> response;
		cout << "\n\n";


	return 0;


char getsign()
        char sign;

		cout << "Please Enter Mathematic Operation: ";
		cin >> sign;
		cout << "\n";
		return sign;