I am currently working on a RPG for the win32 console. I am using a structure to hold information on a player. I was wondering if I could define a structure and declare that structure type right below it in the global declaration area (the area above main()) so that any function I use can modify the struct variable? In my RPG I want to have functions for shops and upgrading, and whenever they upgrade or buy/equip and item I want those functions to be able to modify the struct variable. I was thinking something like this:

#include <iostream> /* included to show that this is above main()*/
#include <string> /* included to show that this is above main() */
struct stats
     char name[50];
     int health;
     int mana;
     char weapon[50];
     char armor[50];
stats player;
int newgame();
int main()
     char menu_choice;
     cout<<"Choose an option:"<<endl;
     cout<<"(N)ew Game"<<endl;
     cout<<"(L)oad Game"<<end;
          case "n": newgame()
     return 0;
int newgame()
     cout<<"Please enter your character's name:"
I think if that would work it would be the most efficient, and more cipherable, if debuging, method. If anyone knows if this would work, or if you have a suggestion for a better way to store player stats please share!