Thread: Queue Stack Palindrome

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  1. #1
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    Queue Stack Palindrome

    Hello everyone, I've recently learned about queues and fully understand that they follow a fifo order as opposed to stacks that follow a filo order. I am now trying to write a program that will check a word entered in a queue and a stack to see if the are both the same forwards and backwards. I began writing the program and testing it as I went along but am having problems. I was going to complete the main part of the program but kept receiving 3 error messages. I've included the .cpp file below and will include the stack/header file in a quick reply. Does anyone have any suggestions? I wanted to get this part working with a user input just so I could go on to the next step and have it read from a document and write to another one (infile, ios::..., outfile...). This has been driving me crazy but I've managed to complete most of it thanks to all of your help with my previous problem (Reverse output (stack)).

    Please let me know if you have any suggestions

    *Error Message

    --------------------Configuration: palindrome3 - Win32 Debug--------------------
    c:\documents and settings\steve\desktop\palindrome\palindrome3.h(8) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'Stack'
    c:\documents and settings\steve\desktop\palindrome\palindrome3.h(8) : error C2501: 'Class' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
    c:\documents and settings\steve\desktop\palindrome\palindrome3.h(8) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found
    Error executing cl.exe.

    palindrome3.obj - 3 error(s), 0 warning(s)

    # include "palindrome3.h"
    # include <iostream.h>
    void blankspace(char *s, char *t)
    {while (*s!=NULL)
    {if (*s!=' ')
    *t=NULL; //append NULL to newstring
    void main ()
    {const int True=1, False=0;
    // create stack object to store string in reverse order.
    Stack S;
    char palstring[ 80] , blankspacestring[ 80] , c;
    int i=0; // string pointer
    int ispalindrome=True; //we'll stop if false
    // get input
    cin. Getline(palstring,80,'\n');
    //remove blanks
    blankspace(palstring,blankspacestring);// A[],the array;A pointer to A[]
    //push character onto stack
    while(blankedspacestring[i] !=NULL)
    S.Push(blankspacestring[i] );
    //now pop one-by-one comparing with original
    while (!S.StackEmpty())
    //get out of loop when first nonmatch
    if (c!=blankspacestring[i])
    // continue till end of string
    //operation finished. Printout result
    if (ispalindrome)
    cout<<"\"<<palstring<<"\"<<"is a palindrome<<endl;
    cout<<"\"<<palstring<<"\"<<"is not a palindrome<<endl;
    Last edited by silicon; 07-12-2004 at 12:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    This is the header file

    # include <iostream.h>
    # include <stdlib.h>
    const int MaxStackSize=50;
    Class Stack
    DataType stacklist[ MaxStackSize] ;
    int top;
    Stack(void); // constructor, initialize top
    //modification operations
    void Push(const DataType& item);//same as void Push(DataType item)
    DataType Pop(void);
    void ClearStack(void);
    //just copy top item without modifying stack contents
    DataType Pick(void) const;
    //check stack state
    int StackEmpty(void) const;
    int StackFull(void) const;
    // Stack implementation
    void Stack::Push(const DataType& item)
    //can not push if stack has exceeded its limits
    if (top==MaxStackSize-1)
    cerr<<"Stack overflow"<<endl;
    // increment top ptr and copy item into list
    stacklist[ top] =item;
    DataTaype Stack::Pop(void)
    DataType temp;
    // if stack is empty nothing to pop
    if (top==-1)
    { cerr<<"Stack empty"<<endl;
    //record the top element
    temp=stacklist[ top] ;
    //decrement top and return the earlier top element
    return temp;
    //Peek is the same as Pop, except top is not moved
    DataType Stack::Peek(void) const
    //Stack Empty
    int stack:.StackEmpty(void) const
    return top==-1; //value is 1 if equal, 0 otherwise
    // Stack Full
    int Satck::StackFull(void) const
    return top==MaxstackSize-1;
    //Clear Stack
    void Stack::ClearStack(void)

  3. #3
    Code Goddess Prelude's Avatar
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    >Class Stack
    C++ is case sensitive, and all keywords are lower case. You want:
    class Stack
    My best code is written with the delete key.

  4. #4
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    Looking though your code there were several gramatical errors, they were pretty easy to miss since the way the code is layed out its hard to see what belongs where. I added a few comments where i found the missing pieces as I was conforming the code to be more readable.

    Also i dont know what compiler your useing but i get a slew of ISO errors compileing it. after I delcared a data type wich is also missing in there.

    # include "palindrome3.h"
    # include <iostream.h>
    void blankspace(char *s, char *t)
        while (*s!=NULL)
            if (*s!=' ') *t=*s;
            t++; //missing ; here
    *t=NULL; //append NULL to newstring
    int main(void) //void main() bad
        const int True=1, False=0;
    // create stack object to store string in reverse order.
        Stack S;
    char palstring[ 80] , blankspacestring[ 80] , c;
    int i=0; // string pointer
    int ispalindrome=True; //we'll stop if false
    // get input
    cin. Getline(palstring,80,'\n');
    //remove blanks
    blankspace(palstring,blankspacestring);// A[],the array;A pointer to A[]
    //push character onto stack
    while(blankedspacestring[i] !=NULL)
        S.Push(blankspacestring[i] );
    //now pop one-by-one comparing with original
    while (!S.StackEmpty())
    //get out of loop when first nonmatch
        if (c!=blankspacestring[i])
     // continue till end of string
    //operation finished. Printout result
    if (ispalindrome) cout<<"\"<<palstring<<"\"<<"is a palindrome<<endl;
     else cout<<"\"<<palstring<<"\"<<"is not a palindrome<<endl;
    return(0); //missing a return and the final }
    # include <iostream.h>
    # include <stdlib.h>
    const int MaxStackSize=50;
    class Stack
    DataType stacklist[ MaxStackSize] ;
    int top;
    Stack(void); // constructor, initialize top
    //modification operations
    void Push(const DataType& item);//same as void Push(DataType item)
    DataType Pop(void);
    void ClearStack(void);
    //just copy top item without modifying stack contents
    DataType Pick(void) const;
    //check stack state
    int StackEmpty(void) const;
    int StackFull(void) const;
    // Stack implementation
    {/*void stack function to be filled in later? */} 
    void Stack::Push(const DataType& item)
    //can not push if stack has exceeded its limits
        if (top==MaxStackSize-1)
        cerr<<"Stack overflow"<<endl;
    // increment top ptr and copy item into list
    stacklist[ top] = item;
    DataTaype Stack::Pop(void)
        DataType temp;
        // if stack is empty nothing to pop
        if (top==-1)
        cerr<<"Stack empty"<<endl;
    //record the top element
    temp=stacklist[ top] ;
    //decrement top and return the earlier top element
    return temp;
    //Peek is the same as Pop, except top is not moved
    DataType Stack::Peek(void) const
    //Stack Empty
    int stack:.StackEmpty(void) const
        return top==-1; //value is 1 if equal, 0 otherwise
    // Stack Full
    int Satck::StackFull(void) const
        return top==MaxstackSize-1;
    //Clear Stack
    void Stack::ClearStack(void)
    //some extra chrs down here not attached to function. Also there is no
    //define function. while only included once in your project you
    //should probley get used to adding it to prevent multiple defnitions
    //in larger projects.

  5. #5
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    Input/Output File

    Hi everyone, thanks...I've gotten the program to work properly. Once question I have now is...I now am trying to import the words from a text file and have the program read them and then export the answer (**** is a palindrome, not a palindrome) to a text file. Im just trying this part on my own (for extra credit) and because I was told that it wasn't that difficult. I have an idea of how to do it using ios::, but that's about all I do know. My guess is that it will definitely have to go in the main but I am definitely clueless as far as what else has to go with this. Please let me know if you have any suggestions

    Thanks in advance

    Please let me know if you need a working sample of my code

  6. #6
    Compulsive Liar Robc's Avatar
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    You read from a file by including <fstream> and creating an object of the type ifstream. You write to a file by creating an object of type ofstream. Then just use them like cin and cout:
    #include <cstdlib> // For EXIT_FAILURE and EXIT_SUCCESS
    #include <fstream>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
      string   s;
      ifstream in("somefile");
      if (!in) { // Check for success
        cerr<<"Couldn't open file for reading"<<endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
      getline(in, s);
      cout<< s <<endl;
      ofstream out("someotherfile");
      if (!out) { // Check for success
        cerr<<"Couldn't open file for writing"<<endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
      out<<"Writing to a file!"<<endl;
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  7. #7
    C > C++ duders ggs's Avatar
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    int stack:.StackEmpty(void) const <- this might be a problem
    i don't get the 'datatype' thing, i don't see any templates, the bane of my soul. is this a new addition to the language? if no, replace your DataType with a real type.

    plus, a little less whitespace please. i don't know if it's intentional or because of the paste, but it would look a lot nicer in a compact form (for instance, it would fit on one screen and i could read it)

    e: oh boy my eyes are broken on top of everything else
    Last edited by ggs; 07-12-2004 at 12:37 PM.
    .sect signature

  8. #8
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    Ofstream output for stack queue problem

    Hi everyone, I've gotten up to this point but am still having problems. I now have it so that the program is reading from the text file successfully but I cannot get it to successfully write to the output file. Also I believe that it is not checking correctly for palindrome but I am more worried about getting it to write to the output file. Am I missing something small


    #include <cstdlib> // For EXIT_FAILURE and EXIT_SUCCESS
    #include <fstream>
    using namespace std;
    const int MAX=50;    // initialize max string size of 50 characters
    typedef char StackElement;  // define StackElement
    typedef char QueueElement;  // define QueueElement
    class Stack
    	Stack(){top=-1;arr[MAX]=0;}   // default stack constructor
    		void push(StackElement & ch);  // push function
    		StackElement topNpop();         // top and pop functions combined
    		bool empty() const;            // empty function
    		StackElement arr[MAX];    // define char array
    		int	top;                  // define int top
    FUNCTION: push()
    DESCRIPTION: Pushes an element onto the stack
    PRECONDITION: Waiting for function call
    POSTCONTION: New element character on top of stack
    inline void Stack::push(StackElement & ch)
    		top++;          // increment top
    		arr[top]=ch;  // push onto stack
    		cout<<"Stack is full.\n";  // display stack is full
    FUNCTION: topNpop()
    DESCRIPTION: Reads and pops top element off the stack
    PRECONDIION: Waiting for function call
    POSTCONDITION:  One element read and removed fromt he stack
    RETURN: Top element from stack
    inline StackElement Stack::topNpop()
    		return(arr[top]);  // returns top element
    		top--;				// remove froms stack
    		cout<<"Stack is empty.\n";  // display stack is empty
    FUNCTION: empty()
    DESCRIPTION: returns result value if stack is empty
    PRECONDITION: result=false
    POSTCONDITION: result may be true or remain false
    RETURN: result if true or false
    inline bool Stack::empty() const
    	bool result=false;   // initialize bool as false
    	if (top==-1)         
    		result=true;        // if top is -1 return result true
    		return(result);     // else return false
    class Queue                           // Queue class
    		Queue(){front=0, back=0;arr[MAX]=0;}   // Queue default constructor
    		void addq(QueueElement & ch);          // define addq 
    		QueueElement frontNremoveq();         // define frontNremove
    		QueueElement arr[MAX];            // initialize QueueElement array
    		int front, back;                  // initialize int front and back
    FUNCTION: addq()
    DESCRIPTION: adds an element onto the queue
    PRECONDITION: Waiting for element to add
    POSTCONDITION: New element now on the queue
    inline void Queue::addq(QueueElement &ch)
    		arr[back]=ch;     // add element to back of queue
    		cerr<<"Error Queue is full\n";  // display queue is full
    FUNCTION: frontNremoveq()
    DESCRIPTION: reads and removes front element from queue
    PRECONDITION: front pointing to front of queue
    POSTCONDITION: front element is returned and then incremented
    inline QueueElement Queue::frontNremoveq()
    		return(arr[front]);    // return front element
    		front++;				// remove front element
    		cout<<"Queue is empty.\n";  // display queue is empty
    int main()
    	Stack S;	// initialize stack
    	Queue Q;	// initialize queue
    string s;
    	int i=0;	// initialze int 'i'
    	char string[MAX];  // initialize char string
    	bool RESULT=false;  // initilize bool RESULT to false
    ifstream inside ("palindromeinput.txt");
      if (! inside.is_open())
      { cout << "Error opening file"; exit (1); }
      while (! inside.eof() )
        inside.getline (string,100);
        cout << string << endl;
    		S.push(string[i]);  // push chars individually from string to
    		Q.addq(string[i]);		// stack and queue
    		i++;      // next char
    		if(S.topNpop()==Q.frontNremoveq())  // compare each element from
    		{										// stack and queue
    			RESULT=true;  // if same for all chars return true
    			RESULT=false;  // if not same for any char break and return false
    		cout<<string<<" is a palindrome\n";  // display if true
    		cout<<string<<" is not a palindrome\n"; // display if false
    ofstream outside ("palindromeoutput.txt");
      if (outside.is_open())
    	 outside << string;
        outside<< string;
      return 0;

  9. #9
    Registered User hk_mp5kpdw's Avatar
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    What are you trying to write to the output file? It looks like right now you are just ending up writing the same string twice to the file. Is it supposed to be outputting all the palindrome matches to the file?

    Is the purpose of this program to test your Stack and Queue classes in the setting of a palindrome problem or simply to test a palindrome program using a stack and queue data structures? You might have started off this program by implementing the solution using the built in STL stack and queue templates and when that was working, you could switch over to using your own Stack and Queue classes to see if your implementation worked. So, would you be averse to trying this with the built ins and seeing if it works, or are you confident that your implementation is correct. That would narrow your likely problem down to either your classes, or the logic/flow of the code in your main function.

    If you just want a program to tell if a string is a palindrome or not, the code to loop through the file, read in a string and output that same string along with a basic "yes it is" or "no it isn't" can be done in about a half dozen lines of code.
    "Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods."
    -Christopher Hitchens

  10. #10
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    Hi, I wanted the program to look at the input file (palindromeinput.txt) and read the data inside (DAD). It is then supposed to compare (stack/queue) and check to see if it is a palindrome. Once this check is complete it is supposed to write the result to the output file (palindromeoutput.txt) and state

    DAD is a palindrome

    I wanted to use a few entries but wanted to first get it working with just the DAD entry

  11. #11
    Compulsive Liar Robc's Avatar
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    I wanted the program to look at the input file (palindromeinput.txt) and read the data inside (DAD). It is then supposed to compare (stack/queue) and check to see if it is a palindrome. Once this check is complete it is supposed to write the result to the output file (palindromeoutput.txt) and state

    DAD is a palindrome
    Compare your setup with the following. The principle is the same even though I use the standard stack and queue interfaces rather than hand rolled classes.
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <queue>
    #include <stack>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    bool is_pal(const string& s);
    int main()
      string   line;
      ifstream in("input.txt");
      if (!in) {
        cerr<<"Unable to open input file"<<endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
      while (getline(in, line)) {
        if (is_pal(line)) {
          cout<< line <<" is a palindrome"<<endl;
        else {
          cout<< line <<" is not a palindrome"<<endl;
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    namespace {
      template <typename T>
      T push_string(const string& s)
        T                      ret;
        string::const_iterator it = s.begin();
        while (it != s.end()) {
        return ret;
    bool is_pal(const string& s)
      queue<char> qu = push_string< queue<char> >(s);
      stack<char> st = push_string< stack<char> >(s);
      while (!qu.empty()) {
        if (qu.front() != {
          return false;
      return true;
    It all should be pretty straightforward except for maybe the push_string template. The code for make_stack and make_queue would be virtually identical except for the types, and that's what templates were made for. The template does require a specific interface for type T though, specifically, it has to support the push operation using characters as the argument. For a generic function that would be unwise due to safety, but for this simple use, it's okay.

  12. #12
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    Hi RobC thanks for all of your help. I understand that part now but how can I take the output and place it into my output file (palindromeoutput.txt) . I thought I had it correctly in my setup but it will not work.

    Thanks in advance

  13. #13
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    I got it
    Thanks everyone

  14. #14
    Registered User
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    Hi , I had a question (forgive me I'm new). I was able to get my code working properly thanks to all of your help but had a question regarding your code (RobC). How is it that you did not have to write the pop, front, empty functions in your code. As a beginner I've always had to write the entire stack in a header file and include this file in the main. In your code you didn't have to and I was wondering how was that accomplished. My guess is that the functions I've been taught (pop, top, push) are all included in a library but which one and why wouldn't they teach us that in class


  15. #15
    Compulsive Liar Robc's Avatar
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    >In your code you didn't have to and I was wondering how was that accomplished.
    The standard C++ library contains a bunch of useful functions and classes. Among them are templates for a queue and a stack. I didn't have to write them because they were already written and waiting for me to use.

    >but which one
    Notice that I included <queue> and <stack>. Those are the headers that hold the declarations.

    >and why wouldn't they teach us that in class
    Most classes will try to teach you the hard way first, then leave you to the wolves so that you can learn the easy way, the hard way. If you haven't guessed, I don't subscribe to that method. I think you should learn how to use the language productively first, then you can delve into details as necessary.

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