hi guys,

This program which is no doubt extremely simple for you people is giving me some headaches. This code below tells you what day it is ,you then type a number and it tells you what day it will be in that many days.

  // what the day was yesterday

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(void)

	// declare variables
	const int week = 7;			// days in week
	int thatday = 0;			// the day however long ago
	int today = 4;				// today is 5th day (friday)
	int daysago = 0;
	char* weekdays[7] = {"mon","tue","wed","thur","fri","sat","sun"};
	// input information

	cout << endl << endl << "Today is " << weekdays[today] << endl;

	cout << "How many days forward?" << endl;

	cin >> daysago;


	// day was what 

	thatday = (daysago + today) % 7;			// % gets remainder

	cout  << weekdays[thatday] << endl;


	return 0;
What i am now trying to do is count days ago instead of days ahead.

I thought this would work

thatday = (daysago - today) % 7;

but the program crashes because of the pointer i think.

What is the best way to achieve this.
