Thread: explicit library file

  1. #1
    Registered User subdene's Avatar
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    explicit library file

    Hi, I have a general question. This will only compile when I include winMM.lib as part of the project, i.e. the file is included within the solution explorer. I call the function waveOuGetNumDevs(); which is defined in MMSystem.h and is automatically included when you include windows.h and the library is winMM.lib. However, I should not have to explicitly include the winMM.lib within my project. I have checked all the library paths which the linker will search through when looking for winMM.lib to match it with the declaration from MMSystem.h, and the correct path is there. I have not had to do this with any other of my function calls in my project, the linker has always been able to match the header with the lib fine. Within the project file visual studio has included this

    RelativePath="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\Lib\WinMM.Lib">
    Now, if I remove this lib file from the project again, a linker error will be given again. Here below is a basic snippet:

    #include <tchar.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
      unsigned a = waveInGetNumDevs();
      return 0;
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  2. #2
    Registered User Codeplug's Avatar
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    >> However, I should not have to explicitly include the winMM.lib within my project...
    You have to tell the linker about all LIB files to look at for resolving external symbols. IDE's typically include all "basic" LIB's by default.

    >> I have checked all the library paths which the linker will search through when looking for winMM.lib
    The linker will only search for winMM.lib if you have told it to do so.

    >> to match it with the declaration from MMSystem.h
    The linker doesn't know about any header files in your application. However, some compilers support custom pre-processing directives for specifying linker options and library files to link against.


  3. #3
    Registered User subdene's Avatar
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    The linker will only search for winMM.lib if you have told it to do so.
    Surely, if I have included the path within the VC++ directories under library files, then the linker should search that path for the library file it requires, therefore you are telling it to do so. I have included a screen shot with the path included for the linker to search through, and it is circled in red. The file is in that directory.... so why cant it find it?
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  4. #4
    Registered User Codeplug's Avatar
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    >> Surely, ... the linker should search that path for the library file it requires
    Linkers do not typically "search" for anything. You give it a file, like winMM.lib, and one or more directories where it can find that file. In other words, the linker will only look at .LIB files you specify, nothing more. Any directories you specify are only so the linker can find .LIB files you have specified.
    And don't call me Surely


  5. #5
    Registered User subdene's Avatar
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    Ok, so how can I tell the linker where this lib file is located without haveing a relative path included in the project file...

    :RelativePath="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\Lib\WinMM.Lib">

    Or is the only way to tell the linker where the file is?
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  6. #6
    Registered User Codeplug's Avatar
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    I don't use VC++ .NET, but I'm sure someone will be able to help you (bump).


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