Ok, so after about 2 hours of searching and beating my head against the wall I decided to just ask. I am having problem with a program I am trying to write, I have 2 classes, a double linked list class to hold each digit for large numbers. And a big int class which uses the list class to perform arithmetic on the large numbers. Anyway, I am having trouble using some of my functions in the DList class in any of the functions in the Big Int class.
Specifically with the line
int size = list.size;
I keep getting the error aggregate value used where an integer was expected.
I know it is not a problem with my size function in the list class as it works perfectly when called from main, it just has this problem when called from the other class.
I have also posted the code where this call is used and the header. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated
class BigInt : public DList
    //BigInt toBigInt(DList list);
    void toBinary(DList list);
    //void toDecimal();

    DList binarylist();
    DList intlist();
void BigInt::toBinary(DList list)
  int temp;
  int size = list.size;
  for(int i=0, y;i<size;i++)
    y = 8;
    temp = list.at(i);
    for(int x=0;x<4;x++)
      if(temp >= y)
        temp -= y;
        binarylist.at(i+x) = 1;
      y /= 2;