I'm feeling really silly as this is just a syntax detail, but I have not managed to find a decent example on the web or in my textbooks.

How do you define a template class declared outside the class as a friend? I'm working on a linked list container class, and defining my List class as a friend of Iterator, which looks something like this:

#include "node.h"

template <class T>
class Iterator
	// declare class List as a friend somewhere?
		typedef *Node<T> nodePtr;

		T& operator*();
		bool operator==();
		nodePtr dataNode;
		void setNext();
		void setPrev();
		void getNext();
		// etc accessors/mutators for node manipulation
#include "iterator.h"

template <class T>
class List
		typedef Iterator<T> iterator;

		void push_back(const T& val);	// functions need access to Iterator's 
		void push_front(const T& val);	// private methods to change sequence
		void insert(iterator pos);	// of list.
		iterator head;
		iterator tail;
They're may be some syntax errors. I don't have the code in front of me, so I'm just typing this in notepad from memory.

I looked at the STL list header, and they got around this buy declaring their iterator inside the list function, but I'm not sure thats appropriate for this project. I found plenty of examples on how to declare a non-template class as a friend, and I experimented with possible ways of writing a template version, but my compiler didn't like any of them. In case it effects the template syntax, I'm currenty using MS VC++ 6.0 SP 4.

Thank you,