mmm Somthing is not working with the getline routine.

I have

	string name, address, account;
	cout << "Input suppliers name: ";
	cout << "Input suppliers address: ";
	cout << "Input suppliers account name: ";
	getline(cin, account);
	cout << "name: " << name
		 << ", address: " << address
		 << ", account: " << account << endl;
If I run this I enter the following at the prompts:-

Input suppliers name: jas
Input suppliers address: here
Input suppliers account name: ja1

however this cout out gives me:

name: , address: jas, account: here

So things are out by one position :-( BTW - This is in a sub menu and the menu that calls this thinks there has been a user input, so something is being buffered somewhere.

Any ideas how to overcome?
