Hi! I am a student, in my first C++ class. I am trying to program a scanner that would take a string of non-numeric numbers postfix, convert to numeric numbers and give a value. I've exhausted all my resources and just can't figure out where my program is going wrong. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! This is my first time posting here, so I hope that I did this right. Thank you

No matter what string I enter (like "100 25 +"), I only get a value of 0. I think my problem is in my "int convert (char*)" function but I'm not sure.

#include <iostream.h>
#include <math.h>

#define E 0
#define L 1
#define G 2
#define C -1

int strcomp (char*, char*);
int eval (char*);
int scanner (char*, int, char*);
int convert (char*);

class stack 
   int *arr;
   int ptr;
   int n;
   stack (int n);
   ~stack ();
   int push (int value);
   int pop ();
   int empty ();
   int full ();

stack::stack (int value)
   n = value;
   arr = new int [n];
   ptr = 0;

stack::~stack ()
   delete []arr;

int stack::push (int value)
   if (ptr < n)
      arr [ptr] = value;
      return E;
   else return L;

int stack::pop ()
   return arr [ptr];

int stack::empty ()
   if (ptr == 0) return E;
   else return L;

int stack::full ()
   if (ptr == n) return E;
   else return L;

int main () 
   int n;
   char arr [100];
   cin.getline (arr, 100);
   while ( strcomp(arr, "quit") != E) 
      n = eval (arr);
      cout << "The value of " << arr << " = " << n << endl;
      cin.getline (arr, 100);

int strcomp (char*str1, char*str2)           
   int k = 0;
   while (str1 [k] == str2 [k])
      if (str1 [k]  == '\0') return E;
      else k++;
   if (str1 [k] < str2 [k]) return L;
   else return G;

int eval (char*str)
   int pos = 0, value;
   char token [100];
   stack stk1 (100);
   while (pos != C)
      pos = scanner (str, pos, token);
      char fchar = token[0];
      if (fchar == '+' || fchar == '-' || fchar == '*' || fchar == '/')
         int opr1 = stk1.pop ();
         int opr2 = stk1.pop ();
         if (fchar == '+') value = opr1 + opr2;
         if (fchar == '-') value = opr1 + opr2;
         if (fchar == '*') value = opr1 + opr2;
         if (fchar == '/') value = opr1 + opr2;
         int rel = stk1.push (value);
          int num = convert (token);
          int ret = stk1.push (num);
   return stk1.arr [0];

int scanner (char*str, int str, char*token);
   int i = st;
   while (str [i] != ' ')
      if (str [i] == '\0') return C;
         token [i-st] = str [i];
   token [i-st] = '\0';
   return i;

int convert (char*str)
   int i = 1;
   int num;
   num = str [i] - '0';
   while (str [i] != '\0')
      num = num * 10;
      num = num + str [i] - '0';
   return '\0';