ok, below is the code.... basically, I'm trying to make a login promt (like what you see at the beginnign of linux or windows or any OS), I'm trying to read in the user name then compare it to one that would already exist, either that ive defined in the program, or that resides in a text file... when i try to compile this, i get error: line 9: assignment to 'char' from 'const char *' lacks a cast... anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong/

#include <iostream> //Basic Input/Output
#include <string.h> //Manipulate strings

int main()
char name[20], name1[20], pass[20], pass1[20];
cout << "Enter username: ";
cin.getline(name, 20, '\n');
if(!strcmpi(name1, name))
cout << "correct... logging in.... ";

cout << "Incorrect user name, please re-enter user name";

return 0;