Thread: shell sort

  1. #1
    Registered User axon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    shell sort

    one of my assignemnts is to compare the actual running times of different increments when using shellsort - more specifically: shell's, hibbard's and Knuth's. Shell's and Hibbard's I've managed to figure out without any problems, but Knuth's seems to be wrong since it give me a much bigger time than the other two, when in fact it is supposed to be faster.

    The formula for Knuth's is: hi = (1/2)(3^i + 1 ) ....

    any ideas?

    BTW: n is set to 50,000 and each test runs only 5 times instead of a 100.
    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <ctime>
    #include <cmath>
    using namespace std;
    void populateA( vector<int> &a, int n );
    void shellSortS( vector<int> &a, int n, double &timeAve );
    void shellSortH( vector<int> &a, int n, double &timeAve );
    void shellSortK( vector<int> &a, int n, double &timeAve );
    int main()
    	vector<int> a;	
    	int n, count;	//counters and such
    	double timeAve = 0.0;	
    	double timeTot = 0.0;
    	n = 50000;	//n, number of elements
    	Shell's increments, run for 100 times
    	for( count=0; count < 5; count++ )
    		populateA( a, n );	//populate vector with random ints
    		shellSortS( a, n, timeAve );	//sort
    		timeTot += timeAve;	//get total time
    		a.clear();	//clear vector
    	timeAve=(timeTot/count);	//calculate average time
    	cout << endl << "average time for shell's: " << timeAve << endl;
    	Hibard's increments, run for 100 times
    	timeAve = 0.0;	
    	timeTot = 0.0;
    	for( count=0; count < 5; count++ )
    		populateA( a, n );	//populate vector with random ints
    		shellSortH( a, n, timeAve );	//sort
    		timeTot += timeAve;	//get total time
    		a.clear();	//clear vector
    	timeAve=(timeTot/count);	//calculate average time
    	cout << endl << "average time for hibbard's: " << timeAve << endl;
    	Knuth's increments, run for 100 times
    	timeAve = 0.0;	
    	timeTot = 0.0;
    	for( count=0; count < 5; count++ )
    		populateA( a, n );	//populate vector with random ints
    		shellSortK( a, n, timeAve );	//sort
    		timeTot += timeAve;	//get total time
    		a.clear();	//clear vector
    	timeAve=(timeTot/count);	//calculate average time
    	cout << endl << "average time for Knuth's: " << timeAve << endl;
    	Get times for already sorted lists
    	timeAve = 0.0;
    	populateA( a, n );
    	shellSortS( a, n, timeAve );
    	shellSortS( a, n, timeAve );
    	cout << endl << "presorted Shell's: " << timeAve;
    	shellSortH( a, n, timeAve );
    	cout << endl << "presorted Hibbard's: " << timeAve;
    	shellSortK( a, n, timeAve );
    	cout << endl << "presorted Knuth's: " << timeAve << endl;
    	return 0;
    void populateA( vector<int> &a, int n )
    	srand( time(NULL) );
    	for( int i=0; i<n; i++ )
    void shellSortS( vector<int> &a, int n, double &timeAve )
    	int j;
    	clock_t start, finish;
    	start = clock();
    	for( int gap=n/2; gap>0; gap/=2 )
    		for( int i=gap; i<a.size(); i++ )
    			int tmp = a[i];
    			for( j=i; j>=gap && tmp<a[j-gap]; j-=gap)
    	finish = clock();
    	double duration = (double)(finish-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    	timeAve = duration;
    void shellSortH( vector<int> &a, int n, double &timeAve )
    	int j;
    	clock_t start, finish;
    	start = clock();
    	for( int gap = (2 << (int)(log(n/2)/log(2))) - 1; gap > 0; gap /=2 )
    		for( int i=gap; i<a.size(); i++ )
    			int tmp = a[i];
    			for( j=i; j>=gap && tmp<a[j-gap]; j-=gap)
    	finish = clock();
    	double duration = (double)(finish-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    	timeAve = duration;
    void shellSortK( vector<int> &a, int n, double &timeAve )
    	bool done;
    	int temp;
    	clock_t start, finish;
    	start = clock();
    	for( int gap = 1; gap <= n/3; (gap = 3*gap + 1));
    		while (gap > 0) {
            done = false;
            while (!done) {
                done = true;
                for (int i = n - 1; i >= gap; i--) {
                    if (a[i] < a[i-gap]) {
                        temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[i-gap]; a[i-gap] = temp;
                        done = false;
            gap /= 3;
    	finish = clock();
    	double duration = (double)(finish-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    	timeAve = duration;

    some entropy with that sink?

    there are two cardinal sins from which all others spring: Impatience and Laziness. - franz kafka

  2. #2
    Registered User axon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    well, no one replied, but I've figured it out and am posting this just for completeness....maybe someone will need it someday. Change values of n to see the different times.

    the prog is written in vc++6.0 and runs fine does not, however, run in g++

    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <ctime>
    #include <cmath>
    using namespace std;
    void populateA( vector<int> &a, int n );
    void shellSortS( vector<int> &a, int n, double &timeAve );
    void shellSortH( vector<int> &a, int n, double &timeAve );
    void shellSortK( vector<int> &a, int n, double &timeAve );
    int main()
    	vector<int> a;	
    	int n, count;	//counters and such
    	double timeAve = 0.0;	
    	double timeTot = 0.0;
    	n = 500000;	//n, number of elements
    	Shell's increments, run for 100 times
    	for( count=0; count < 100; count++ )
    		populateA( a, n );	//populate vector with random ints
    		shellSortS( a, n, timeAve );	//sort
    		timeTot += timeAve;	//get total time
    		a.clear();	//clear vector
    	timeAve=(timeTot/count);	//calculate average time
    	cout << endl << "average time for shell's: " << timeAve << endl;
    	Hibard's increments, run for 100 times
    	timeAve = 0.0;	
    	timeTot = 0.0;
    	for( count=0; count < 100; count++ )
    		populateA( a, n );	//populate vector with random ints
    		shellSortH( a, n, timeAve );	//sort
    		timeTot += timeAve;	//get total time
    		a.clear();	//clear vector
    	timeAve=(timeTot/count);	//calculate average time
    	cout << endl << "average time for hibbard's: " << timeAve << endl;
    	Knuth's increments, run for 100 times
    	timeAve = 0.0;	
    	timeTot = 0.0;
    	for( count=0; count < 100; count++ )
    		populateA( a, n );	//populate vector with random ints
    		shellSortK( a, n, timeAve );	//sort
    		timeTot += timeAve;	//get total time
    		a.clear();	//clear vector
    	timeAve=(timeTot/count);	//calculate average time
    	cout << endl << "average time for Knuth's: " << timeAve << endl;
    	Get times for already sorted lists
    	timeAve = 0.0;
    	populateA( a, n );
    	shellSortS( a, n, timeAve );
    	shellSortS( a, n, timeAve );
    	cout << endl << "presorted Shell's: " << timeAve;
    	shellSortH( a, n, timeAve );
    	cout << endl << "presorted Hibbard's: " << timeAve;
    	shellSortK( a, n, timeAve );
    	cout << endl << "presorted Knuth's: " << timeAve << endl;
    	return 0;
    void populateA( vector<int> &a, int n )
    	srand( time(NULL) );
    	for( int i=0; i<n; i++ )
    void shellSortS( vector<int> &a, int n, double &timeAve )
    	int j;
    	clock_t start, finish;
    	start = clock();
    	for( int gap=n/2; gap>0; gap/=2 )
    		for( int i=gap; i<a.size(); i++ )
    			int tmp = a[i];
    			for( j=i; j>=gap && tmp<a[j-gap]; j-=gap)
    	finish = clock();
    	double duration = (double)(finish-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    	timeAve = duration;
    void shellSortH( vector<int> &a, int n, double &timeAve )
    	int j;
    	clock_t start, finish;
    	start = clock();
    	for( int gap = (2 << (int)(log(n/2)/log(2))) - 1; gap > 0; gap /=2 )
    		for( int i=gap; i<a.size(); i++ )
    			int tmp = a[i];
    			for( j=i; j>=gap && tmp<a[j-gap]; j-=gap)
    	finish = clock();
    	double duration = (double)(finish-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    	timeAve = duration;
    void shellSortK( vector<int> &a, int n, double &timeAve )
    	clock_t start, finish;
    	start = clock();
    	int j;
    	for( int i = log(2*n - 1)/log(3), gap = (pow(3,i--) + 1)/2 ; gap >=1 ; gap = (pow(3,i--) + 1)/2 )
    		for( int i=gap; i<a.size(); i++ )
    			int tmp = a[i];
    			for( j=i; j>=gap && tmp<a[j-gap]; j-=gap)
    	finish = clock();
    	double duration = (double)(finish-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    	timeAve = duration;

    some entropy with that sink?

    there are two cardinal sins from which all others spring: Impatience and Laziness. - franz kafka

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