I'm just beginning to learn about moving functions out of the main program.

I've got a BITMAP_FILE_PTR undeclared identifier error in MSVC 6.0 .

I created a header file called bitmapfunct involving BITMAP_FILE_PTR and now I get an error.

I declared the function in my main but how do I make it so it is also declared or defined in the header file ?

Here is the code from my main involving the variable

typedef struct BITMAP_FILE_TAG
        BITMAPFILEHEADER bitmapfileheader;  // this contains the bitmapfile header
        BITMAPINFOHEADER bitmapinfoheader;  // this is all the info including the palette
        PALETTEENTRY     palette[256];      // we will store the palette here
        UCHAR            *buffer;           // this is a pointer to the data

do I use extern ?

