using this class im trying to implement functions prototypes


class Length
Length ();
~Length ();

void setLength (int yards, int feet, int inches);
int getYards();
int getFeet();
int getInches();

int m_yards;
int m_feet;
int m_inches;

there is the class and here is the function prototypes

Length operator+(length right);
Length operator= (lenght right);
Length operator>(lenght right);
Length operator< (lenght right);

and all i need is to implement the function prototypes:

this is what i tryed but failed maybe you guys can see my mistakes------

Length Length:perator+ (Length right);
int answers;
answers = m_yards + m_feet + m_inches
return Length(answer);

Length &Length:perator= (Length right);
if(this !& right)
setLength(right.m_yards, right.m_feet, right.m_inches);
return *this;

bool Length:perator>(length right)
if (getyards () >right.getyards())
return true;
return false;
{ if (getfeet() > right.getfeet());
return true;
return false;

{ if (getinches () > right.getinches());
return true;
return false;

bool Length:: operator< (Lengths right)
if ( getyards () < right.getyards());
return true;
return false;

{ if (getfeet () < right.getfeet());
return true;
return false;

{ if (getinches() < right.getinches());
return true;
return false;

//thats all i have so far and its not right so im looking for any input to the solution of this problem i hope i supplied you people with enought info to figure out what im doing..