I am trying to learn how to build a class and I am having trouble. My simple program reads in a fraction, and inverts it. I will do much more with it later if I can get past this problem. Currently I have two warnings, one about missing an argument list, and the other about using frac1 without it being initialized. I've banged my head on this for 2 days now, so I think it is time I ask for some help. Here is the code...
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

char oper;

class SingleFraction
	void getFrac(SingleFraction ff1)
		char misc;
		cin >> num >> misc >> den >> oper;
	void invert(SingleFraction ff1)
		num = ff1.den;
		den = ff1.num;
	void display()
		cout << num << '/' << den;
	int num, den;

int main()
	SingleFraction frac1, fracAns;
	char choice = 99;

	while (choice != 'n' && choice != 'N')
		cout << "Enter a fraction and operator: ";
		frac1.getFrac;   // warning here about missing argument list
		case 'i': fracAns.invert(frac1); break;  // warning here about frac1 not being initialized
		//default: cout << "Illegal operator.";
		cout << "Answer = "; fracAns.display();
		cout << "\nAgain(y/n)?: "; cin >> choice;
	return 0;