I get several link errors when i try to compile my project..
its a calculator which was working just fine when was on 1 cpp file..
But i tried to split it in many cpp files and only one .h file..

now it wont compile and dont say that my code is wrong..

it just say:
Link Error : undefined: 'Parser::ans' (data)
Referenced from 'main' in main.cpp
Referenced from 'Parser::prim(bool)' in parser.cpp

Link Error : undefined: 'Parser::expression' (data)
Referenced from 'Parser::prim(bool)' in parser.cpp

Link Error : undefined: 'Lexer::temp_string' (data)
Referenced from 'Parser::prim(bool)' in parser.cpp
Referenced from 'Lexer::get_token()' in lexer.cpp
Referenced from 'main' in main.cpp

Link Error : undefined: 'Table::menu()' (code)
Referenced from 'Parser::prim(bool)' in parser.cpp
Referenced from 'main' in main.cpp

Link Error : undefined: 'Table::table' (data)
Referenced from 'Parser::prim(bool)' in parser.cpp
Referenced from 'main' in main.cpp
I tried it with code warrior and microsoft c++ 6.0
they both give link error but explanation is somewhat different..

any idea?
what did I do wrong?
Its the first time I get link errors so I dunno what to do.. :(