Hi im having a little problem understanding how class pointers work. Ill explain as best i can what i dont understand...

My problem:

Im trying to do a simple graph like data structure, and am having a few problems understanding how to reference the pointers and use them, also if im using them correctly.

The class A should be able to point to 6 neighbours of class A, each of these neighbours in turn have 6 neighbours and so on.

I have a class A like so

class A

       A *one, *two, *three, *four, *five, *six;
In A how do i reference the one two etc? Im trying something like below but am having problems.

#include <iostream>
#include "A.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

      A a,b;

      // a's first neighbour points to b's four neighbour
      a.one =  b;
      b.four =  a;
      return 0;
How do i get the pointer from a.one to point to object b? Am i using the correct notation? Sorry im new to pointers...!

Also have i defined the class A correctly for the problem im doing?

Sorry if this is a little vague!!!
