Thread: how to cast a char *mystring to a structure pointer ??

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Mar 2004

    how to cast a char *mystring to a structure pointer ??

    hey guys, how do you Cast a char *mystring to a structure pointer, namely "hostent" ??

    looking at ,

    it says
    "On successful completion, the buffer specified to the original function call contains a hostent structure. To access the elements of this structure, the original buffer address should be cast to a hostent structure pointer and accessed as appropriate."
    like this??

    char *hostEntry2 ;
    hostent *abc= (HOSTENT)*hostEntry2;
    nope it doesnt work
    i ultimately want to use WSAAsyncGetHostByName to get the IP address of a computer. ( i use WSA version because the GetHostByName version blocks)

    any help?

  2. #2
    Registered User Codeplug's Avatar
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    Mar 2003
    You have to be carefull when posting MSDN links because the address bar rarely contains the URL of what you're looking at.
    I think you meant to post the URL for WSAAsyncGetHostByName()

    From MDSN, WSAAsyncGetHostByName() parameters:
    [out] Pointer to the data area to receive the hostent data. The data area must be larger than the size of a hostent structure because the specified data area is used by Windows Sockets to contain a hostent structure and all of the data referenced by members of the hostent structure. A buffer of MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT bytes is recommended.
    char hostentBuff[MAXGETHOSTSTRUCT];
    hostent *abc = (hostent*)hostentBuff;

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