Ok i'm new to the board so don't shoot me if i'm doing something wrong here....hehe...plz...I just have some problems with my code here. It's only 1 page or so. The only reason i'm posting all of it is so that you can see what i'm doing..kinda new to C++. The program is supposed to take any number of integers from the user and average them out with variable argument list usage in a function.

So here it is:
1. #include <iostream>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdarg.h>
5. using namespace std;
    int average2(int num2, ...);
    int average2(int num2, ...) {
    int sum = 0, count = 0, currentNum = num2; 
    va_list currentList;
10.va_start(currentList, num2);
    while (currentNum != 0) {
        sum += currentNum;
        currentNum = va_arg(currentList, int);
15.   }
    int final = sum / count;
    return final;
20. int main() {
       cout << "How many entries do you want to average? \n> ";
       int i;
       cin >> i;
       int array[i + 1];
25.  cout << "Enter in the values that you want to average. \n> ";
       int k = 0;
       char t;
       for (k == 0; k < i; k++) {
30.  cin >> array[k];
       cout << "\nPress y to continue. \n";
       cin >> t;
       if (t == 'y') {
                t = 'n';
35.           break;
                goto end;
40.array[i+1] = 0;
     char *original = array[];
     int len = strlen(original), doublelen = len * 2;
     char string[doublelen];
45.   for (int p = 0; p < doublelen; p++) {
          for (int e = -1; e < doublelen; e++) {
                string[e + 1] = original[e];
        for (int x = 0; x < doublelen; x++) {
                string[x + 1] = ",";
50.     }
       cout << average2(int(string[]));
54.  }

Forgive me for my lack of commenting but I had to save space here..

Not only am I not sure if this will actually fully compile, because i'm converting an int array to char array...and converting a char array to a string..and trying to put a string into an int based function..but i'm not sure what is wrong on line 41...

I'm just making this program to get a more firm grasp on C++, it isn't supposed to fully compile, more along the lines of..bits and pieces are supposed to function correctly. Eventually i'll resolve this little string to int problem I have..

So any idea's?

And feel free to state something you don't like about my coding style or..how I code things or whatnot..what you see wrong with my looping etc. anything that you could reccomend that would make this better?

-Thank you.