This is driving me nuts, so I came here.

class CTestTask : public ITask

	bool Start();
	void Update();
	void Stop();


	std::list < particle * > particles;

This is called every frame.

void CTestTask::Update()

for( int i = 0; i < (PARTICLES_ADDED_PER_SECOND+1; i++ )
        particles.push_back( new SnowParticle );

for (std::list<particle*>::iterator part=particles.begin(); part != particles.end(); part++)
    // We first test the particle to see if it should remain alive 
		//if (*part)
			//(*part) = new SnowParticle;
			if( (*part)->TestParticle() )
				// If it should, we update and draw the particle 
				// And then move onto the next particle 
				// If we end it here, then it continues until the point that it would have crashed, and stops making particles???

				// Otherwise we cut the particle out of the list, and trash it. 
				delete (*part);
				//particle * oldparticle = (*part);
				particles.erase( part, part );
				//delete oldparticle;
if (*part)->TestParticle() returns false, it should delete the memory for the particle and then delete the pointer from the linked list.

This causes a crash . If I don't free the memory from the new, then it works, but there's a memory leak...