Originally posted by Hunter2
Omnius, the question has already been thoroughly explored, down to the very assembly-level representation of it. Well, "an assembly-level representation" would be more accurate, but that doesn't matter. For more information, read Prelude's post.

a) It doesn't really matter. Use whatever you like.

b) If you DO care which is faster for some absurd reason:
->Case I - there IS a difference:
It still doesn't matter unless you know assembly, since you won't be able to figure it out otherwise.
->Case II - there ISN'T a difference:
It really, truly, absolutely, exhaustively doesn't matter, because there's no difference.

c) If you DON'T care, please refer to (a).

It doesn't really matter.

~~The End~~

Thanks Hunter2. Some of us may still have an interest in the points discussed in the thread and don't consider it absurd to do so.
