Thread: wrong result?

  1. #1
    Registered User o0o's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Unhappy wrong result?

    using std::cout;
    using std::cin;
    using std::endl;
    // functions prototypes
    double Celsius( double );
    double Fahrenheit( double );
    int main()
        // declare varibales
        double tempCelsius, tempFahrenheit;
        // read temperatures
        cout<< "Enter temperature in Celsius scale:";
        cin>> tempCelsius;
        cout<< "\nEnter temperature in Fahrenheit scale:";
        cin>> tempFahrenheit;
        // display results
        cout<< "\n" << tempCelsius << "c = " << Celsius( tempFahrenheit ) << "F";
        cout<< "\n" << tempFahrenheit << "F = " << Fahrenheit( tempCelsius ) << "c";
    // definitions of Celsius() & Fahrenheit()
    double Celsius( double valueA )
        return (5/9)*(valueA-32);
    double Fahrenheit( double valueB )
        return (9/5)*valueB+32; 
    This code gives the right answer for celsius temperature when converted from fahrenheit scale but centigrade scale to fahrenheit it gives only 0F as answer.

    help needed/

  2. #2
    Registered User Codeplug's Avatar
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    >> (5/9)
    Integer division.


  3. #3
    Senior Member joshdick's Avatar
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    5/9 = 0
    5.0/9.0 = .5555555555555...

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  4. #4
    Registered User o0o's Avatar
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    just a slight change makes it work.
    only adding double or static_cast<double> doesn't give the required results on my dev c++ compiler.
    y? is that?

    double Celsius( double valueA )
        return (( double )(5.0/9.0)) *(valueA-32);
    double Fahrenheit( double valueB )
        return (( double )(9.0/5.0)) *valueB+32; 

  5. #5
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Perhaps you should choose better names
    double Celsius( double valueA )

    Now is that to Celsius or from Celsius?
    And valueA doesn't help. If it were either c or f for example, that might be more of a clue.

    using std::cout;
    using std::cin;
    using std::endl;
    // functions prototypes
    double Fahrenheit_to_Celsius( double f );
    double Celsius_to_Fahrenheit( double c );
    int main()
        for ( double centigrade = 0.0 ; centigrade <= 100.0 ; centigrade += 10.0 ) {
            double c_to_f = Celsius_to_Fahrenheit( centigrade );   // convert it
            double f_to_c = Fahrenheit_to_Celsius( c_to_f );       // and back again
            cout << centigrade << " " << c_to_f << " " << f_to_c << endl;
    // definitions of Celsius() & Fahrenheit()
    double Fahrenheit_to_Celsius( double f )
        double result = f - 32;
        result = result * 5.0;
        result = result / 9.0;
        return result;
    double Celsius_to_Fahrenheit( double c )
        double result = c * 9.0;
        result = result / 5.0;
        result = result + 32;
        return result;
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
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  6. #6
    Registered User o0o's Avatar
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    thanku salem

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