Originally posted by Guti14
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   int      accountNumber;
   double   beginningBalance;
   double   totalCharges;
   double   totalCredits;
   double   creditLimit;
   double   balance;

What is the value of beginningBalance, totalCharges, and totalCredits
at this point of the program? Is this the best place for the calculation?
   balance = beginningBalance + totalCharges - totalCredits;

   cout << setprecision( 6 ) << fixed;

   while( accountNumber != -1 ) {
      cout << "Enter account Number: " << endl;
      cin >> accountNumber;
      cout << "Enter beginning balance: " << endl;
      cin >> beginningBalance;
      cout << "Enter total charges: " << endl;
      cin >> totalCharges;
      cout << "Enter total credit: " << endl;
      cin >> totalCredits;
      cout << "Enter credit limit: " << endl;
      cin >> creditLimit;

What is the value of balance at this point in the code?
You just did a bunch of inputs -- what do you plan on doing with 
the information?

         if ( balance >= creditLimit ) {
            cout << "Account: " << accountNumber << endl;
            cout << "Credit limit: " << creditLimit << endl;
            cout << "Balance: " << balance << endl;
            cout << "Credit Limit Exceeded" << endl;

            cout << "Enter beginning balance: " << endl;
            cin >> beginningBalance;
            cout << "Enter total charges: " << endl;
            cin >> totalCharges;
            cout << "Enter total credit: " << endl;
            cin >> totalCredits;
            cout << "Enter credit limit: " << endl;
            cin >> creditLimit;


   return 0;