hi all. i was making a calculator program last night. i use dev c++ bloodshed, and its really picky on certain things. well, this program isnt working, and i cant seem to find out why. can any of u plz help me?! thx alott..

btw, i am on a mac computer at school, and have the coding on a floppy. mac isnt lettin me copy n' paste, so i cant do the code]....[/code] statement. srry... and disregard those squares at the start of each line...macs are so dumb!
#pragma hdrstop

#include <iostream.h>

#include <conio.h>

void main()


int var1

int var2

int var3

int var4

int choice1

int choice2

int Answer1

int Answer2




    cout << "\nHello, do you want to add or subtract numbers? (a/s)";

    cin >> choice1;


      if ( choice1 == 'a' )


        cout << "\nPlease enter the first number and second number, to be added, seperated by a space: ";

        cin >> var1;

        cin >> var2;


        Answer1 = var1 + var2


         cout << "\nThe answer is " << Answer1;



      if ( choice1 == 's' )


        cout << "\nPlease enter the first number and second number, to be subtracted, seperated by a space: ";

        cin >> var3;

        cin >> var4;


        Answer2 = var3 + var4


         cout << "\nThe answer is " << Answer2;



        cout << "\nDo you want to do this again? (y/n)";

        cin >> choice2;



    while ( choice2 != 'n' )


