Here's my cry for help:

Within a DLL I am calling CreateProcess to run an exe which brings up a window which requires user interaction. My problem is that the first time this call is made the window will not appear until the user clicks on something else on the Desktop - the taskbar, another window, the start menu, etc. - only then will the window we're waiting on appear. The second time this is run the window comes up on its own.

Another odditiy: If the .exe is run on its own without being called from within the DLL it comes up immediately, with no delay whether it is the first time running or the hundredth.

Does anyone have a suggestion for fixing this behavior so that I can make the exe call from the DLL, having it run as if it were NOT being called from the DLL? I am working in various versions of Windows (98/ME/XP).

Thanks in advance!!