See below for sourcecode. The program will eventually be a locate like the one from the UNIX shell. Function CreateDataBase() needs to know what drives it should include in the DataBase. There are three options:
1) All harddisks (default)
2) All logical drives (activated by /a command-line argument)
3) Specified drives (activated by /d followed by drive-letters in the command-line)

The CreateDataBase() function calls LogicDrives() for the first two options. For the third option, DrivesFromArgs() is called. Obviously, DrivesFromArgs() needs the command-line arguments to function. I've thought of a couple of ways to provide DrivesFromArgs() these variables, but they're not too pretty. This is what I thought of:

1) Make argc and *argv[] global variables
2) Pass argc and *argv[] to CreateDataBase, then pass them on to DrivesFromArgs() (if needed)
3) Create a special function that extracts the specified drives from the arguments, passes the variable on to CreateDataBase, and then pass it on to DrivesFromArgs()

I don't like the last two because it will make CreateDataBase() have more arguments than normally needed.
Is there a better method to do this than the three I thought of, or should I just use one of those?



#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <math.h>

DWORD OptionFlags = 0;

inline bool BitTrue(DWORD a, DWORD b) { return (a & (1 << b)) ? true : false; } //Is bit 1?
inline void DefBit(DWORD &a, DWORD b) { a = (a | (1 <<  b)); } //define bit
inline void UnDefBit(DWORD &a, DWORD b) { a = DWORD(4294967295 - pow(2, b)) & a; } //undefine bit

DWORD LogicDrives(bool HDsOnly) //All Logical drives or Harddisks only
	DWORD Drivelist = GetLogicalDrives();
	if (HDsOnly)
		char DriveCheck[4] = "*:\\";
		for (int a = 0; a < 26; a++)
			if (BitTrue(Drivelist, a)) 
				DriveCheck[0]= 'A'+a;
				UnDefBit(Drivelist, a);
				if (GetDriveType(DriveCheck)==3) DefBit(Drivelist, a); //Check if it's a HD
	return Drivelist;

DWORD DrivesFromArgs() //Drives from arguments
	DWORD Drives = 0;
	for(int a = 0; a < 26; a++) DefBit(Drives, a); //Sets all drives
	return Drives;

DWORD Options(int argc, char *argv[]) //Get Options from arguments
	DWORD Flags=0;
	for(int a = 1; a < argc; a++)
		if (argv[a][0] == '/')
			switch (argv[a][1])
					case 'C': case 'c': DefBit(Flags, 0); break; //Create DB
					case 'V': case 'v': DefBit(Flags, 1); break; //Verbose mode
					case 'D': case 'd': DefBit(Flags, 2); break; //Specified drives in args
					case 'A': case 'a': DefBit(Flags, 3); break; //All logical drives
	return Flags;

void Say(int LineNum, int a=0,DWORD Flags=0) //Output a line
	int b = 0;

	switch (LineNum) //will always be said
		case 0: cout << "Start of program" << endl; return;
		case 1: cout << "End of program" << endl; return;
	if (BitTrue(OptionFlags, 1)) //will only be said in verbose mode
		switch (LineNum)
			case 100: cout << a << " arguments: "; for(;b < 10;b++) cout << BitTrue(Flags, b); cout << endl; return;
			case 101: cout << "Creating database" << endl; return;
			case 102: cout << "Drives to index: "; for(;b < 26;b++) cout << BitTrue(Flags, b); cout << endl; return;

void CreateDatabase() //Creates a database
	DWORD DrivesToIndex;
	if (BitTrue(OptionFlags, 2)) DrivesToIndex = DrivesFromArgs(); //Get drives from arguments
	else if (BitTrue(OptionFlags, 3)) DrivesToIndex = LogicDrives(false); //Do All logic drives
	else DrivesToIndex = LogicDrives(true); //Do all HDs

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) //main
	OptionFlags = Options(argc, argv); //get options
	Say(100, argc-1, OptionFlags);
	if (BitTrue(OptionFlags, 0)) CreateDatabase();
	return 0;