I was working on Lesson 5: Switching Cases of cprogramming.com's C++ tutorials however the code given was incomplete, but the author said with little work I could define the functions that were left undefined in the source and get a running program...So I gave it a try, and bam - it didn't work! I looked over the code I studied from Chapter 4 on Functions and really can't see where I am messing up, so if someone could give me a hand, I'd appreciate it. Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <conio.h>
int playgame();
int loadgame();
int playmultiplayer()
int main()
    int input;
    cout<<"1. Play game";
    cout<<"2. Load game";
    cout<<"3. Play multiplayer";
    cout<<"4. Exit";
    switch (input)
        case 1: playgame();
        case 2: loadgame();
        case 3: playmultiplayer();
        case 4: 
                return 0;
                cout<<"Error, bad input, quitting";
int playgame()
    cout<<"You are playing the game!"
int loadgame()
    cout<<"The game is loading!"
int playmultiplayer()
    cout<<"You are playing multiplayer!"
    return 0;
C:/Documents and Settings/David Mackey/My Documents/cprograms/switchcases.cpp: In
function `int main()':
C:/Documents and Settings/David Mackey/My Documents/cprograms/switchcases.cpp:29: parse
error before `{' token
C:/Documents and Settings/David Mackey/My Documents/cprograms/switchcases.cpp: In
function `int loadgame()':
C:/Documents and Settings/David Mackey/My Documents/cprograms/switchcases.cpp:35: parse
error before `}' token
C:/Documents and Settings/David Mackey/My Documents/cprograms/switchcases.cpp: In
function `int playmultiplayer()':
C:/Documents and Settings/David Mackey/My Documents/cprograms/switchcases.cpp:39: parse
error before `}' token
Execution terminated

Thanks for your help in advance.