i've been looking over my work more and i think i got the hang of all that other stuff i've been doing...but this overloading stuff is a little confusing. would this program be right if i was trying to just find the 3 things out about jobA and display them? i want to make sure i get this part right before i go ahead and do the rest of the problem. I get an error that says that there is no appropriate constructor for the Job class, and i get errors in my declaration of the operator>> fuction that says it cant access the members of Job, but I think its because it says theres no constructor. anybody know why that is?

class Job
	friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, const Job &jobA);
	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Job &jobA);
		int JobNum;
		int hours;
		double rate;
		Job(const int JobNum, const int hours, const double rate);

istream& operator>>(istream& in, Job &jobA)
	cout<<"Enter a job number: ";
	cout<<"Hours to complete: ";
	cout<<"Rate per hour: ";
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Job &jobA)
	out<<"Job #"<<jobA.JobNum<<" takes "<<jobA.hours<<" hours at $"<<jobA.rate<<" per hour."<<endl;
int main()


  Job jobA;  // instantiates an object, jobA

  cin>>jobA; //interactive input for data means no explicit 

 // constructor needed (page 289)

  cout<<jobA; // output pretty data members  (page 288)

// The following line is for part c, using overload + and - operators

//  cout<<"The difference between "<<jobA<<" and "<<jobB<<" is 

// "<<(jobA - jobB)<<" hours"<<endl; (page 278)
